Mrs. Morera's Marvelous Manatees
Important Reminders:
March 11th: 3rd Nine Week Ends
March 19th: Report Cards
March 21st: Teacher Professional Day - No School
March 24th-28th: Spring Break
March 31st: Students Return
Dear Families and Students,
We will be having a snack time each day. Each child will be responsible for bringing in a healthy snack (please know that this snack is optional). Also, your child may bring in a water bottle to place on their desk. If you have any questions about either the snack or water bottles, please feel free to contact me.
Homework will be given Monday through Thursday. Students should be reading at home every night. For Math, they will have a daily math homework page that reinforces the skill we learned that day in class. All homework assignments will be listed in your student’s agenda and also on my calendar below (see Monday of the current week).
In Reading this week, we will focus on the following skills:
* Comprehension Strategy: Review
* Vocabulary Strategy: Review
* Grammar: Review
* Phonics: UFLI Lessons
* Genre: Review
The focus of Chapter 17 is Data. We will be working on conducting surveys, creating and solving problems involving tally charts, pictographs, and bar graphs. They will be tested weekly on a mixed selection of addition and subtraction facts so please practice with your child each night.
Throughout the year, we will switch back and forth between Science and Social Studies. Our next unit in Science will force and motion.
Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Morera