TUESDAY, January 3rd

6:30PM PLC MEETING in scout hall


(be there no later than 7:20 PM to get Troop and Patrol flags, uniforms ready, and in lines and ready to go when the SPL calls assembly at 7:30 PM) 

Eagle Patch Ceremony for Wynn Keith at end of Troop Meeting (no Advancement or Scoutmaster Minute)

From the SPL

Hey Troop 77,

I hope yall had a great break and enjoyed the time off from school. This week we will be getting back into things and have the first meeting of the year. This week, the older scouts will be giving a presentation on the types of government. This could help you guys with Cit. in the World if you pay attention. We will also be meal planning for The Tumbling Rock (caving) campout happening on the 14th come with some ideas to make the planning smoother.

There will be a PLC meeting happening at 6:30, so if you’re a patrol leader or scribe make sure to be there.

Yours in Scouting,

Alex King



What?  We are having a Scout Meeting on the last night of Winter Break (at least for our DCSD students)?  Yes, we are!  We have Scouting to get back to and a bunch to get done this spring.  So, grab your book, daypack with 10 essentials, and let's get this party started.  First Years will be doing their usual thing and the Older Scouts will be helping with the main Program this week.  The Program is part of our Citizenship module, and before you frown and start muttering "Citizenship?!?!" under your breath, remember that being a good citizen is one of the main goals of Scouting.  And, if you go look at the fourteen Eagle required merit badges, four of them start with the word Citizenship and it is a component of many others along with Rank Advancement requirements.  In short, it's IMPORTANT so do not blow off this meeting just beecause of the topic.  We will also be meal planning for the Caving Campout and will be spending a lot of time working meal planning for both campouts/backpacking and competitions this spring.  Our meal execution is really good, but our "Be Prepared" for those meals still needs some work (mostly to streamline things and make things easier).

Our rescheduled Court of Honor will be the first half of the meeting on January 24th.  For something to be included in the Court of Honor, it must be fully complete and given to the Advancement Team by the end of the Troop Meeting on 1/17.

SPL and Patrol Leader elections are coming up at the end of February, so start planning now.  Election Guidelines should be in the next Newsletter.  If you have any inkling you may want to run, THEN RUN!  Even if you lose, the experience will be well worth your investment, and who knows, you might win and get to hold one of the most prestigious positions in Scouting, which is even more at Troop 77 due to our size.

Also at the end of February, our two First Year Patrols will also become Second Years, join the Traditional Scouts Program, realign their patrols if needed after Recharter, pick their Patrol name, design a flag, and elect a Patrol Leader.  We will also begin having Crossover Scouts join the Troop in that same timeframe.

As some of you know, I (sort of on behalf of the Troop) adopted a Pack 577 Tiger Den who was in desperate need of leadership.  As such, if you are an Adult interested in leading an Adventure or a youth interested in helping out as a pseud-Den Chief, then please email me (, and I will find a spot for you to help.  Our main goal is to get the Tiger Cubs through Bobcat and Tiger Rank, but our big secondary job is to train-up some of the parents so they are comfortable leading the Den going forward.  They already know I do not plan to transition to being a Wolf Den Leader with these Tiger Cubs next fall, so one of them will need to take over and lead.

We have released an updated Annual Planning Summary, which can be found at the bottom of the Calendar page of the Troop's website.  As always, it is a work in progress, but it gives a great snapshot of what we will be doing this spring and some information about things happening this summer, so I encourage everyone to take a look at it.

Finally, as some of you may know, my Mom is undergoing major open heart surgery in January.  So, from about January 8th to January 22nd, I will be taking a leave of absence.  Mrs. Henderson will again be taking the Scoutmaster helm in my absence.  I will be checking email and texts as I can, but please also copy Mrs. Henderson on anything you send me.  If you know you are going to need something from me during that time window, then please try to let me know now so we can try to take care of it before next weekend if possible.


Mr. Clinton Cole

Troop 77 Scoutmaster

January and february 2023 DETAILEd cALENDAR

Note: The majority of the dates in this section are on the Troop Calendar.  If you have not done so already, please subscribe to the Troop's calendar by following the instructions on the Calendar page of the Troop’s website.

In addition, on the Calendar page of the Troop’s website (underneath the calendar itself), you will find the latest released update to the Annual Planning Meeting Summary, which will give you an idea of what we will be doing through the end of May and some summer activities (the AMPS is subject to change, but it should not change too much).


Caving Campout - Camp Jackson


End of February:  Registration Closes for 4/29 Merit Badge Summit (actual date registration closes is TBD)


See below links for activities:

Atlanta Area Council Calendar

Hightower Trail District Website


Remaining 2022-2023 Campouts

February 17-20: Cumberland Island Service 

March 24-26: Camporee at Bert Adams

April 21-23: Survivalist Extreme

May 12-14: Backpacking

Attention all Adults - many hands make light work!

Troop 77 operations are 100% supported by Adult volunteers that donate time to support all the planning and management of our monthly campouts, summer camp, community service, high adventure trips, merit badge classes, advancement tracking, and other special events like Courts of Honor.

With approximately 120 Scouts in Troop 77 and several of our Adult Volunteers transitioning out of Scouting, we need more Adult Volunteers of both returning and new Scout parents to actively support Troop 77 so that our youth members have a fun and rewarding experience.

Although we can use additional support for most functional areas, our most URGENT NEED to have someone serve as our registered TREASURER.  Hamilton will no longer be able to support our banking relationship with UCBI and OGUMC after June 2023.  It’s critical that get another Registered Adult Leader to fill that role with the support of others that assist with invoicing and expense reimbursements.

We also need several Adults to assist with our 2023 Summer Camp Planning and Execution and other advancement activities and campouts. 

If you are not already a registered leader with Troop 77, then please complete the following form: 


Alternatively, if you would like to register as an official adult leader/volunteer with Troop 77 then please complete this form: 

Please note that Adult volunteers for most support functions are NOT required to be a registered member of Scouts BSA.

Given the size and robustness of our Troop 77 Adventures and Advancement opportunities, we expect at least one Adult member from each Scout family to assist with at least one event/activity each Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.  This could be as simple as serving on a Board of Review, leading a Merit Badge class, serving in a committee role, or helping with summer camp. 

Yours in Scouting,

Bruce King

Troop 77 Committee Chair 

Health Forms - Please review and update

Parents, please check dates on your scouts' health forms (and yours if you go on camping trips) and renew them in a timely manner.  For those going on the Cumberland trip, please remember your scout (and you if you are going) will need a current "C form" (physical).

Here is the link to a Blank BSA Medical Form    

A few reminders:

·         At minimum, please complete Form A, Form B1, and Form B2. 

·         You must attach a front and back copy of your insurance card to your completed forms.

·         Attach an immunization record if available.

·         At minimum, you must provide a month and year for the Tetanus immunization on B2.

·         Please attach a copy of the front and back of his COVID vaccination card, if he's vaccinated.

·         Form C is required for any events longer than 72 hours and for high adventure treks; it must be completed by a doctor and and can take weeks or months to secure, so start NOW especially if your son plans to attend summer camp.

·         BEFORE TURNING IN FORMS, PLEASE SCAN A COPY and save for your records.


Any questions, let us know.

Best regards,

Jeanne Fell 

Sara Henderson


Troop 77 Medical Form Coordinator team

holiday Cooking Assignment for scouts

Scouts! You have a troop cooking assignment over the holidays. This is going to be great practice for our January and February campouts.

Post pictures of your meals on the troop Facebook page (@troopseventy-sevenbsa) and on the troop Instagram page (@troop77bsa). Mr. Leff will recognize the meals at our first January Troop meeting and the winner will get a special new cooking tool for their Patrol Box!


Board of Review (BOR) - Scouts - If you are ready for your Board of Review, sign up here: 


merit badge minute

merit badge summits

Merit Badge Summit is a quality Merit Badge program that helps Scouts learn about different fields of knowledge. By recruiting experienced professional counselors, Scouts receive an unparalleled experience. The per-class registration fee of $20 includes program materials for most classes with only a few exceptions. All classes (with a few exceptions) will be 4 hours in length. Classes will usually be offered either from 8 AM – 12 PM or 1:00 PM – 5:00PM. If you are staying all day, please bring a lunch. There is an additional cost option for Chick-Fil-A box meals for either a sandwich or nuggets at $10 per meal. Follow this link to find out more information:

There are 2 upcoming Merit Badge Summit opportunities this Spring:


Hey guys, this is Zander Parris the Chaplain’s Aide for the troop. One of the main things that I do as Chaplain’s Aide is help you earn the Religious emblem for your faith. Religious Emblems are awards you can get for learning more about your religion and growing stronger in your faith. Please fill out the survey below so that we can recognize your religious beliefs and help you earn the religious emblem for your faith. 

Jamboree band

Attention all Band folks - here is a great opportunity with the Jamboree Band!

If you play a musical instrument in your high school or college band or even just for fun and will be at least 16 on or before July 19, 2023, the Jamboree Band is a great way to experience a National Scout Jamboree at a lot less cost than it is to go with a contingent.

Scouts and young adults who are interested should contact the Jamboree Band Director, George Pinchock at and let him know you are interested. Mr. Pinchock is the Associate Director of Music at Villanova University in Pennsylvania where he works with the concert, marching and pep bands, and advises student performing groups. He served as director of the Jamboree Band in 2013 and 2017 and is the Scoutmaster of Troop 50 in Schwenksville, PA.

Band members get to do just about everything participants do plus play concerts for thousands of Scouts and Scouters.

ORder of the Arrow

Hello everyone, this is Ryan Shimabukuro, your Order of the Arrow (OA) Troop Representative. This newsletter contains important information about current and upcoming OA events, and more.

Events and Registration

The link to our Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge website is It has a calendar of upcoming events and information on how to register for the events. 


Yes, there are dues in the OA. This year, and every year, dues are $25. They are due NOW! In some situations, if you did not pay dues last year, then you will need to pay those in order to pay your dues for this year and stay current. HOWEVER, this is important, if you attend OA events in which you pay a fee, the fee should cover your dues.

The Troop does NOT reimburse for payment of Adult or Youth OA dues, unless the Adult or Scout is actively involved in OA (e.g., attends monthly meetings, Chapter and Lodge events, Conclaves, Fellowship Events, Service Events, etc.), in which case you need to talk to me or Dr. Gilbert.

The link for paying dues is:

What is the Order of the Arrow?

According to the Order of the Arrow’s website (, the Order of the Arrow is an honor organization that recognizes Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich and help to extend Scouting to America's youth.

Etowah Chapter:

The following are the elected officials (and advisor) in our Chapter:

Chapter Chief: RJ Holloway

Vice Chapter Chief: Violet Todd

Etowah Chapter Advisor: Ramus Caribbean

If you have any questions about the events, you can contact me or RJ, the current Etowah Chapter Chief at



Summer Camp     June 18-24, 2023

Summer Camp is the week of June 18-24 at Camp Sequoyah in Delta Alabama. This is a different week and location than our original plan for summer camp in 2023. July ended up not being an option due to the timing of our Philmont crews and Woodruff (and most camps) not having an 8th week of summer camp. 

Financial Management Support LInks

Attention Parents!

There's a new Financial Management Tab on the Scout/Parent Portal to assist with tracking and management of expense reimbursement and escrow accounts.  

Please use the links on this webpage to submit expense reimbursement requests or for campout/other payments that you'd like to pay using your Scout's escrow balance.

Escrow Accounts

Expense Reimbursement Requests


Scoutmaster Conferences for Scout, Star, Life and Eagle are conducted by Mr. Cole.  You can sign-up for those Scoutmaster Conferences on the Troop's website under Scoutmaster Conferences  and follow the instructions and use the Sign-up Genius link under SCOUTMASTER CONFERENCES SIGN-UP FOR SCOUT, STAR AND LIFE RANKS.  IF YOUR SCOUTMASTER CONFERENCE IS BEFORE 7P, ONE OF YOUR PARENTS MUST BE PREPARED TO STAY FOR THE CONFERENCE TO REMAIN YPT COMPLIANT.  Scoutmaster Conferences for Eagle can be arranged by emailing Mr. Cole at

Scoutmaster Conferences for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class are completed by an Assistant Scoutmaster and should be arranged through the ASM Helpdesk or by contacting Mr. Jensen at


For anyone (Scouts or Parents) who can volunteer some time to help organize a few things, get things setup, or help take things down at the end of Eagle Courts of Honor, Mrs. Cole could certainly use the help.  It’s not an overwhelming amount of stuff to get done by a team, but it starts to get overwhelming if you are having to do it all by yourself. If you’re interested in helping with the Eagle Courts of Honor please contact Holly Cole ( or (770) 401-4992) and let her know.  With a big backlog from COVID and being fortunate to have 1-2 Scouts earning Eagle a month, this is a great way to give some time to the Troop on a night other than Tuesdays and a great place to start volunteering.

community service opportunities

Click the link below to see all of the community service opportunities available now.


Remind Application

Troop 77 Parents –

Troop 77 Scouts

Troop 177 Parents –

Troop 177 Scouts


Other Announcements

Troop 77 Calendar: Use the following address to access the Troop 77 calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any calendar product that supports the iCal format.