tuesday, august 17th

7:30 court of honor in the church sanctuary

ASM Helpdesk will open at 6:45pm before each meeting in August 

Masks Required During Troop Meetings at OGUMC

Going forward, masks are required during troop meetings and scouting activities INDOORS AND OUTDOORS on the OGUMC campus for all individuals REGARDLESS OF AGE OR VACCINATION STATUS.   

We can meet indoors when appropriate (i.e., due to weather, Court of Honor, to use AV equipment, etc.), but everyone MUST BE MASKED, including covering both your mouth and nose at all times indoors and outdoors.

As a Troop, we will also continue to encourage and enforce social distancing both indoors and outside. We also continue to encourage all eligible Scouts, Adult Leaders and anyone else eligible that may come in contact with Troop 77 Scouts to get vaccinated and help minimize the risk to the Troop and our Scouts.

Our mask policy will be strictly enforced for Troop 77. We understand the need to be flexible and recognize that Scouts will inadvertently violate the policy, but any repeated or intentional violation of the new indoor mask policy will be grounds for immediate removal from the meeting and potential suspension from future meetings.


We had an absolute blast on our rafting campout this weekend at Rainey Mountain.. or at least we did on the rafting part.  The campout part was a bit damp at times, but we muscled through it and no one seemed too worse for wear by the time we were back in Atlanta on Sunday.  For everyone that went, please make sure you unpack and dry everything out.   Then, once it’s dry, please make sure you put it all back together.  We had a few tents with important missing pieces (like rain flies) this weekend, and that did not make things any easier in the rain and wet.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone (Scouts, Leaders and Parents) on Tuesday 8/17 for the Court of Honor.  This is a big deal, so please come decked out in your finest from Scouts BSA.  Remember, we will be upstairs in the Sanctuary starting at 7:30P.  Everyone in attendance will need a mask on a at all times, and we need to leave plenty of space between other guests that are not part of the same family.  Scouts will sit by Patrol with at least 6’ between each patrol member.

Our SPL candidates will also be giving speeches and introducing their prospective ASPLs at the end of the CoH.    

There will be post-CoH refreshments in either the Grand Hall or outside in the Circle Drive depending on the weather.  Again, remember to bring and wear your mask, even when we are outside..

Thanks.  Mr. Cole

Scoutmaster Troop 77

from the senior patrol leader

Hello everyone!

First off, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has stepped up and helped during my absence. I know that it’s not always easy to adjust on the fly, but I heard that y’all did amazing, so good job!

This week, we have our post-summer camp Court of Honor. We will hand out all of the merit badges and rank advancements earned at Summer Camp. Following the CoH, the SPL candidates will give their speeches as to why they deserve your vote. At the conclusion of the speeches, there will be lots of refreshments (and I mean lots!)

Just a friendly reminder, attendance at the CoH is always important, but it is even more important this week because of SPL speeches. This week is a great opportunity to pick up advancement that has been earned over the summer.

See y'all on Tuesday!



Congratulations to the following scouts who successfully completed their Board of Review last week:

Court of Honor - I will see you at the Court of Honor on Tuesday night.  The Advancement packets from summer camp (and from other summer work) will be passed out with your merit badges, blue cards, etc.  There will also be refreshments following the ceremony.  

Board of Review - If you need a Board of Review, sign up here:

Pam Crawford, Advancement Chair

court of honor

Our post-Summer Camps Court of Honor will be held on August 17, 2021 at 7:30P in the Church Sanctuary, and we have a ton of stuff to recognize and hand out.  All Scouts, Parents, and Adult Leaders are both invited and encouraged to attend.  This is definitely one of the times you really get to see what a major impact Troop 77 and its size, strength, and opportunities provided has on the Scouts and Registered Adults in the Troop, and how those impacts affect the District and Council significantly in terms of Troop 77's generally strong and robust advancement activities.  Since this event will be held indoors in the Sanctuary, masks are required to be worn at all times by all attendees.  As a youth-led event, you will get an opportunity to see a Scout (or Scouts) MC at the event, typically as part of the Communication Merit Badge.  And, this Court of Honor will be even more significant than usual because our candidates running for SPL will be delivering their "candidate speeches" and naming their slate of ASPLs as part of this event.  It is very important that as many Scouts as possible attend this event and listen to what the SPL candidates have to say, since the elections will be the following week.


The Atlanta Area Council's Merit Badge Summit helps Scouts learn about different fields by recruiting experienced professional counselors. Registration is open for the Merit Badge Summit on August 21 located at Hyde Farm Park. Scouts will have the opportunity to begin earning one of over 20 Merit Badges offered! 

The Atlanta Area Council will also be hosting another Merit Badge Summit on October 30th at the Volunteer Service Center (where the Scout Shop is located by the new Braves Stadium).  More details on the October 30th Merit Badge Summit will be forthcoming soon.  

Follow the link for more info:


Save the date of Saturday October 16th for the Oak Grove UMC Barbecue.  Details for the barbecue are still being finalized, but we expect all Scouts to volunteer to help out at that event.  Also, we need about 6 volunteers to help cook cobblers for the overnight cooking crew on Friday the 15th starting around 6:30P in 2-man 1.5 hour shifts.

Swim tests for september canoe trip

We are in the process of arranging some limited dates for conducting swim tests prior to the Canoeing Trip in September.  I assume most people that will be attending the trip already took the swim test at one of the five prior opportunities to do so earlier this year.  However, if you did not, then please let Mr. Cole know by email ( as soon as possible that you are planning on going on the Canoe Trip and need to take the swim test, and we will let you know the dates for us to conduct the swim tests shortly.  

You can also have the test completed yourself using the attached form and information  Note that a Council-Approved Resource must be used to conduct the test as stated on page 2, and before you use an "etc." please contact Mr. Cole ( to verify who you want to use is acceptable.  Once the test is completed, the test administrator should fill out page 1 AND provide a copy of their current certification or credentials.  You should then scan (do not photograph) and email the completed page 1 and credentials to Mr. Cole at the email above or bring them to him at a Troop meeting.  He will then sign them and keep them with the Troop's master Swim Classification records.




A Patrol Leader (PL) candidate must:


A Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) candidate must:

NOTE: The Scoutmaster may waive any and all eligibility requirements based upon special circumstances, so if you are considering running but fall a little short somewhere, then let's discuss instead of just assuming you cannot run.



An SPL candidate will be elected SPL if he receives 50% or more of the votes of the Scouts attending the SPL election meeting.  If no candidate receives at least 50% of the votes of the Scouts attending the SPL election meeting, then a runoff will be held at the end of the meeting.  The runoff will be comprised of the two highest vote receiving candidates plus any candidate that receives at least (1 divided by the number of SPL candidate)% of the vote  (example, if there are 5 candidates and no one receives 50%, you would have a runoff with the top two vote getters plus any candidate that received 20% off the vote).  In the event of a runoff, the SPL candidate with the highest number of votes in the runoff will be elected SPL, even if the total votes received is less than 50% (i.e., there will be no second runoff).  If there is a tie, then whichever candidate can tie the 6 Woodruff Knots the fastest will be declared the winner (or whatever other absurd challenge the Scoutmaster comes up with on the spur of the moment). 


Due to the unusual size of the current class of Third Year Scouts (rising 8th Graders), starting with the Fall 2021 Elections, an elected SPL is limited to one (1) approximately 6 month term as SPL.  An SPL elected prior to or during the Special Limited Time Exception period cannot run for re-election during the time period of this Special Limited Time Exception.  A former SPL can become an ASPL during the time period if so selected by a future SPL.  The Special Limited Time Exception will run from the start of the Fall 2021 SPL term (i.e, the upcoming election) through the end of the Spring 2024 SPL term.  After expiration of the Special Limited Time Exception, an SPL who was limited to running for one term, can run again for additional terms.

Bike Rodeo Service Opportunity

For its first pack meeting of the school year, Pack 577 is hosting a Bike Rodeo on Thursday, August 26th. We need lots of youth and adult volunteers to help starting at 5:00 pm for pre-meeting setup and then running the stations for the actual event. This is a great opportunity for the troop to showcase itself to the pack. After all, cub scouts LOVE being around older scouts!

Mr. Cole has approved this event as a service hour opportunity.

There will be a pre-Rodeo meeting for all volunteers during the 8/24 troop meeting (time TBD).

Bike Rodeo Signup:

winter camp 2021

Register today for 2021 Winter Camp at Bert Adams! For 5 days and 4 nights in December, Scouts BSA and Venturers will have the opportunity to camp and take part in unique programs and merit badges not available during Summer Camp. Check out our website for more information.


At this time, unless specifically requested by a non-Troop 77 Merit Badge Counselor, we will not be issuing or authorizing Blue Cards through Scoutbook.  If you make a merit badge request through Scoutbook, it will go unanswered, and you will need to make that request in person to either Mr. Cole or Ms. Crawford depending on the subject matter.  If a non-Troop 77 Merit Badge Counselor asks you to use Scoutbook's Blue Card feature, then please see Ms. Crawford or Mr. Cole prior to the class for further instructions.  

Also, we have become somewhat complacent on getting Blue Cards signed BEFORE a Scout starts a Merit Badge, and we plan on holding to a more strict and regular process going forward.  Prior to starting any Merit Badge, you should fill out your details on the Blue Card, the name of the Merit Badge, and the name of the Merit Badge Counselor.  Prior to requesting a signature to allow you to start the Merit Badge, you should have already spoken with and confirmed that the Merit Badge Counselor is willing to work with you on the Merit Badge.  At that point, you should then get the Blue Card signed my one of the following: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Gupta, Mr. Narula or Mr. Cole.  In the event you are attending a Merit Badge class event with a non-Troop 77 Merit Badge Counselor (e.g., Merit Badge Summit), then you should still fill out a Blue Card as above, except for the name of he Merit Badge Counselor, please insert the organization hosting the Merit Badge event.  You should then get the Blue Card signed by one of the four authorized signers BEFORE attending the Merit Badge class.  If you receive a new Blue Card at the Merit Badge event or if your record of completion is only available electronically (e.g., through Tentaroo for an Atlanta Area Council event), then you should see Ms. Crawford after the Merit Badge class (and bring your signed Blue Card) to ensure all the paperwork you need is received and in order for her to process your Blue Card and for me to be able to award your Merit Badge.


The following Scouts have been elected to the Order of the Arrow in 2021 but have not completed their Ordeal.

I encourage those youth who have not registered for their Ordeal to do so at their earliest convenience.  Please go to in order to register.

Candidates elected in 2019 have until December 1, 2021 to complete their Ordeal. Candidates elected in 2020 have until the induction weekend which takes place closest to, but after, 24 months from the actual date of their election to complete their Ordeal.

 Additionally, Ordeal Members are eligible to complete their Brotherhood Membership 6 months after completing their Ordeal Induction Weekend. Below are Troop 77's Ordeal Members who are eligible for Brotherhood:

Brotherhood Membership completes the induction process for all members of the Order of the Arrow, so it’s important to complete the Brotherhood experience.  

Brotherhood inductions are offered at Spring Gathering, Fall Fellowship and all Induction & Fellowship Weekends. We may have other members of the OA in Troop that are eligible to complete Brotherhood, but if you have not paid your current year's dues, you will not be on the list above.  You are still eligible to register for events and can complete Brotherhood after paying your dues for this year.  You can register for Lodge Events through your Tentaroo Account if you have one (or can set one up) at


Scoutmaster Conferences for Scout, Star, Life and Eagle are conducted by Mr. Cole.  You can sign-up for Scoutmaster Conference for Scout, Star and Life by using the SignUp Genius on the Troop's Website under Scoutmaster Conferences ( and following the instructions on that webpage.   Scoutmaster Conferences for Eagle can be arranged by emailing Mr. Cole at

Scoutmaster Conferences for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class are completed by an Assistant Scoutmaster and should be arranged through the ASM Helpdesk or by contacting Mr. Jensen at

wood badge course registration

Looking to advance your skills as a Scout leader? Complete your Wood Badge training with the Atlanta Area Council. Registration for the final two Wood Badge courses of the year is open.


As we enter the fall camping season with some great trips on the schedule and even more in the winter and next spring, I want to remind everyone of Troop 77's enhanced Adult registration rules.  I have provided the basic rules below, but for the full text and how to register, etc., please refer to the Troop's Parent Guidebook under the Forms/Resources tab on the Troop website.  A link to the full Rule can be found in the Attachments listed on Page 26 of the Troop's Parent Guidebook and referenced as "Adult Registration Rule".

The  Guide  to  Safe  Scouting  states  that,  "All  adults accompanying  a  Scouting  unit  who  are present  at  the  activity  for  72  total  hours  or  more must  be registered  as  leaders.  The  72  hours need  not  be  consecutive." 

1.    Troop  77  will  continue  to  follow  the  rule  above, and  it  is  enhancing  the  requirement  for  better protection  of  our  Scouts  as  well  as  ease  of implementation. 

2.    On  all  Campouts,  Summer  Camps,  High Adventure or  the  like  lasting  more  than  72  hours (Long  Term  Camp),  all  adults  present  FOR  ANY PORTION of  the  Long  Term  Camp  must  be  a Registered  Adult  with  Troop  77  at  least  two  (2)  weeks prior  to  the  Long  Term  Camp,  except  any parent attending  "Parent's  Night"  or  the  equivalent and  not  spending  the  night  OR  any  driver to/from  a  Long  Term  Camp  that  is  spending  less  than 24  hours at  the  Long  Term  Camp (including  drive  time)  with  the  Troop. 

3.  An  unregistered  adult  parent/responsible  adult of  a  Scout  may  attend  one  Troop  77 Campout of  less  than  72  hours  (Short  Campout)  without  being a  Registered  Adult  (however,  the  adult  will still  need  to  complete  Youth  Protection Training  and Hazardous  Weather  Training  before  the  first Short Campout).    Before  an  adult  can  attend  a  second Short  Campout  with  the  Troop,  they must be  a  Registered  Adult  with  Troop  at  least  two  (2) weeks prior  to  the  second  Short  Campout. 

Please  remember  that  these  rules  are  in  place  to keep all  of  our  Scouts  safe,  so  we  appreciate your  diligence and  cooperation  on  these  matters. In order  to  become  a  Registered  Adult,  you will  need to  fill  out  and  submit  a  BSA  application with  background check  authorization,  pay  your dues annually,  and  stay  current  with  YPT  and  HWT. Please contact  our  Membership Coordinator  regarding  application matters  or  our  Training Coordinator regarding  training matters.

NOTE: We are waiving Part 3 of this rule (except the requirements to be YPT and HWT trained) with respect to the upcoming Rafting Trip in August due to timing constraints and limitations on refunds by the rafting companies; however, Part 3 of the rule will be in full force and effect starting with the September Canoeing Trip and from that point forward.  Remember, it is your responsibility to follow-up and register if you have been on one campout and are planning on attending a second one but have not registered.  Please take that responsibility seriously, as oftentimes I do not have a chance to verify the issue until immediately prior to a campout.  In that case, it might not be possible for you to get registered in time, and you might not be able to attend the trip or get a refund, so please plan ahead.


As part of his Wood Badge Ticket, Mr. Cole and other Leaders are taking a crew of co-ed Scouts (we will be doing this through the Venture Crew made up of Scouts from Troop 77, Troop 177, and Venture Crew 77) on a Local High Adventure Trip that will simulate the backpacking adventure of attending Philmont (without it taking 14 days, traveling to New Mexico, and costing nearly $2,500 like Philmont does).  This is not a preparation hike for our 2022 Philmont Trip but rather a completely standalone adventure.  The trip will be over the long Columbus Day weekend leaving the evening of Wednesday 10/6/2021 after school and returning Monday 10/11/2021.  I am looking for three sets of volunteers:

(1) approximately 8-10 Scouts (14+ or have completed the 8th grade) both girls and boys to go on the actual hike itself (NOTE: If more Scouts are interested, then we can have more than 1 crew and everyone eligible should be able to go],

(2) approximately 5 Older Scouts, preferably with Philmont experience, to meet us on the trail for one day (likely either Saturday or Sunday) and host a Philmont-like Program Activity (and then those Scouts can hike before and after that day in the same area), and

(3) Adult Leaders to (a) go with me and the High Adventure group (Thanks Ms. Henderson and Ms. Indu for stepping up as Female Adult Leaders) on the hike, and (b) at least two leaders to hike with and assist the Older Scout Program group.

If you are interested in getting involved in this project, then please send me an email at with what part you are interested in doing (hiking crew, program crew, or Adult Leader).

National Outdoor Award

If you have been with the Troop for a while (or are just curious), then check out the BSA website  to learn more about the National Outdoor Award.  The NOA is typically pursued by older Scouts with several years of Scouting experience, but it is never too early to see what is required and set some goals for earning an NOA one day in the future.  If you qualify for any of the NOA awards or want to start tracking your progress toward an NOA, then please contact Mr. Cole as he was a spreadsheet that will help you consolidate and calculate the information needed.  If you already have an NOA, you can continue to earn additional segments, so this is a great time to review your spreadsheet and see if you qualify for additional gold and sliver honors.

If you have any questions regarding the NOA program (or any other Award programs), please let Mr. Cole or Ms. Crawford know and we will help you pursue those.


NYLT is a week-long advanced leadership course designed to teach Scouts the tools, techniques and skills they need to be better leaders – not only in their units, but also at home, in school, and in their daily lives. Led by an exemplary, highly-trained youth staff, NYLT participants work hard and play hard together through group activities, games, and adventures as they experience Scouting at its best.

You can find additional information, details, registration links, etc. on the Atlanta Area Council's NYLT website at:

The remaining course sessions for 2021 are as follows (winter sessions in parking lots near Adventure Camp or Camp Emerson in Covington, GA - all sessions are proximate to Bert Adams Scout Camp in Covington, GA):

If you are interested in Staffing NYLT as a youth next summer, then please check the following webpage regularly:  If you find out they are accepting youth staff applications, etc. for next summer, then please let Mr. Cole know so we can update the Newsletter and announce that information.


Scouts, Parents and Adult Leaders:

Ms. Todd ( can still use some more Scouts, Parents and Leaders to join the sewing group.  I think we only had one or two people step-up to help her, and we could use several more.  Without our sewing group, you would need to get patches sewn on at the Scout Shop or elsewhere, and you often are charged $2 - $3 to have a patch sewn on, and that can really add up.  Ms. Todd and her group provide this service to us for FREE, but we also need to give back and help her out by providing more people willing to sew.

Mrs. Todd will share her knowledge, help you understand exactly where patches go, best stiches to use, etc. This is also a great volunteer job because you do not have to do the work at meetings!

So, if you have a sewing machine and some basic skills (I know some of you do because I see new patches sewn on your Scout’s shirts), please reach out to Ms. Todd and she will get things coordinated.  Uniforms are a main tenet of Scouts, and we need some additional help to get us where we need to be given the size or our Troop.

Thanks. Clinton Cole

Scoutmaster Troop 77


Scout Days are chance for Scouts, families, and friends to get discounted tickets to Atlanta sporting and entertainment events with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the Atlanta Area Council.

For more information or to buy tickets, please go to


September Campout  - - Canoeing on the Broad River

September 18-19

Registration Deadline: Monday, September 6 at 10:00 p.m.

Trip Leader(s):  TBD        Trip Planner:  Andrew Kraft

Trip Links        

merit badge minute

The Northeast Georgia Council will be offering "Aquatics Adventure Weekends" on September 3rd.  Scouts can choose to earn various aquatic merit badges, such as swimming, lifesaving, canoeing, kayaking and small boat sailing.   Cost is $45 and includes food for the weekend.   Find out more information here:

For those interested in earning the EPA award, Dunwoody Nature Center is offering the REPTILES & AMPHBIANS merit badge on Saturday, August 28th and the INSECT STUDY merit badge on Saturday, September 11th.   Registration to open soon.  Please mark your calendars if interested.  A complete list of upcoming workshops can be found here:

Chattahoochee Nature Center is offering CANOEING merit badge on Saturday, August 22 from 12:00 - 5:00.  Registration is first come, first serve and costs $45.   Register here:

Aquatics Merit Badge Days at Camp Allatoona Aquatics Base:  There is one more 2021 session in September. Register here!

Earn merit badges at home with the Daniel Boone Council.  The course list will be continuously updated over the summer, so check back often.  Scouts need a valid Cyber Chip before starting any on-line merit badge.  Scouts also need approval from Mr. Brewer, Mr. Cole, Mr. Gupta or Mr. Narula before enrolling.   More information through the Daniel Boone website:

Registration for "Conservation Weekend" at Camp Woodruff is now open.   Camp will be held the weekend of November 12th and costs $95 per Scout.  Scouts can earn up to 3 merit badges over the weekend, many of which fulfill EPA award requirements.

community service opportunities

JUST UPDATED! Click the link below to see all of the community service opportunities available this fall.


Remind Application

Troop 77 Parents –

Troop 77 Scouts

Troop 177 Parents –

Troop 177 Scouts


Other Announcements

Troop 77 Calendar: Use the following address to access the Troop 77 calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any calendar product that supports the iCal format.