The House System

Mercury House - click on the orange logo for Staff leaders, captains and deputies.

Franklin House - click on the orange logo for Staff leaders, captains and deputies.

Attenborough House - click on the green logo for Staff leaders, captains and deputies.

Pankhurst House - click on the orange logo for Staff leaders, captains and deputies.

Moore House - click on the blue logo for Staff leaders, captains and deputies.

The House System at Havant Academy has been designed to reflect the values and ethos of the school and be an integral part of our community. Throughout your time at the Academy, you will be given the opportunity to take part in a range of House competitions and challenges and you can aspire to become a House Captain.


The academy provides every pupil in each house with the following:

Congratulations to Issabell Trigg in Year 11, who designed our new logos. 

Information about the House System

Along with other events organised throughout the year, the House system is important in raising your aspirations through healthy competition, House assemblies and guest speakers. Raising your aspirations is an essential part of broadening your horizon and making you aware of countless career opportunities that you may wish to pursue.

The House names were decided by the students in a competition to launch the House system. The Challenger, Discovery, Endeavour and Enterprise Houses are based on the NASA Space Shuttles that flew missions between 1981 and 2011. We feel that students should always Challenge themselves to make new Discoveries and Endeavour to be the best they can be in order to live an Enterprising life.

Each House is in competition with each other to achieve the highest number of house points at the end of each term and most importantly by the end of the year, when there will be prizes and trophies to be awarded.


Subject teachers come up with a range of competitions every term for all of you to enter. Points are awarded under the following headings:

Pride Points

During lessons, you have the opportunity to win even more points by following the Pride system:


At the end of each term, there is a celebration assembly to award prizes and certificates to the winners of competitions. There is also a House shop that is operated by the senior student team at the end of term where you will be able to exchange your points for items in the Shop. You can also decide to save your points to get bigger items at the end of the year.


Each year, the new set of Captains and Reps for each House get to choose the Charity they wish to support. They will then get the opportunity to run fund-raising events throughout the year to raise money for their chosen charity.

The House that raises the most funds for their Charity get to win the Charity cup as well as the chance to win extra House points to add to their final tally. 

This year the chosen Charites are: