Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It is funding that is given to schools by the Government to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. In 2012-2012 the Pupil Premium funding was extended to pupils who had been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years. This is referred to as the Ever6 Free School Meals Measure. Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and a smaller amount for the children of service personnel. 

Opportunity to claim FSM:

You can register your child for Free School Meals if you receive any of the following:

If you believe your child would be eligible for free school meals and would like more information, please click here. To fill in the Hampshire Free School Meal Eligibility Form please click here. Alternatively, please contact the school office on 020 3740 1808 or email enquiries@havant-tkat.org.

The Pupil Premium contacts at Havant Academy are:

Chloe.Baldwin@havant-tkat.org (Maternity Cover)


What are our Principles?

Through our work and ethos as a TKAT academy; 'raising aspirations, changing lives', it is our firm belief that the rights of all children are upheld and that those with more support needs or who are disadvantaged receive the relevant support in order for them to achieve their full potential.

The Staff and Governors of Havant Academy are committed to working in partnership with students and parents / carers to ensure that provision is made which guarantees learning for all students so that everyone makes maximum progress and reaches their potential. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all groups of students and is constantly reviewed to ensure it meets this objective.

The Academy welcomes and shares the government’s aim of tackling all forms of social disadvantage and wants to provide everyone with opportunities that will support inclusion: by focusing on providing full access to opportunities available to others, support to improve attendance and ultimately securing the best possible educational outcomes for each individual student.

Havant Academy will account for all Pupil Premium money in an open and responsible way and all provision will be regularly reviewed and evaluated.

In our context, some Pupil Premium students flourish but others have the following barriers to achieving in school, known to us by the use of performance, attendance and behaviour data as well as frequent discussions with the students themselves:

* Low self esteem

* Low aspirations  

* Poor attendance

* Lower literacy and numeracy ability

* Other welfare issues that result in students not 'ready to learn'

Pupil Premium Reports 

Pupil Premium strategy 2022/23.  Please click here to view