
Year 9 to Year 11

Edexcel GCSE Statistics is a subject that all students at Kelvin Hall start studying in Year 9. It offers a practical exploration of statistical concepts that are studied alongside their Maths GCSE. Students develop mathematical skills while understanding how statistics apply in real-world scenarios. Topics such as correlation, probability, and hypothesis testing enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. 

By analysing data critically, students learn to make informed decisions, distinguishing between fact and conjecture. This course equips students with both mathematical and statistical literacy for further study such as Psychology, Sports Studies and Geography. 

Exam board: Edexcel

Hours: Students have a dedicated week for Statistics once per term.

Curriculum Planning

For more information please contact

Mr Ferguson - Progress Leader of Maths -

Mrs Andrews - Director of Maths -

For Maths exam board information, please click here.