
Year 7 and Year 8

Hours per week: 1 

In Years 7 and 8, the National Curriculum for Geography is taught and is designed to inspire the pupils, promote curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We use a range of exciting and relevant examples to build up the skills needed for a pupil to become a great geographer - this is our vision and aim. Pupils develop cultural capital through use of examples; they learn how to think like a geographer and become better prepared for study in key stage 4.

Year 9 to Year 11

Exam board: AQA 

Hours per week: 2 

Students further develop their analytical and evaluation skills and apply these skills to a wide range of examples. Through the study and discussion of geographical issues students consider their own view and how to apply this. They also develop a deeper understanding of how to conduct a geographical enquiry including data collection, data analysis and evaluation.

We follow the AQA Geography curriculum, choosing to focus on some aspects of UK Geography and as well as locations globally. Teaching focuses on skills and understanding, allowing pupils to develop an analytical comprehension of space and place.

02. Geography.pdf

Curriculum Plans

For more information please contact

Mrs Coultish - Geography Subject Leader -

Mrs Thompson - Progress Leader of Humanities -

Mrs Russell - Director of Humanities & MFL -

For Geography exam board information, click here.