Religious Studies

Year 7 and Year 8

Hours per week: 1 

In year 7 & 8 the RE locally agreed Syllabus is taught alongside lessons which suit the context and needs of our local community.  Lessons are designed to broaden students' understanding and awareness of religious, spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects in our community on both a local and national level but also issues impacting us globally.

Year 9 to Year 11

Hours per week: 2

Exam board: AQA

The subject aims to broaden pupils’ minds in studying religion and thematic studies from a variety of perspectives. We will discuss and look at the beliefs and practices of two main world religions: Christianity and Islam. The students are also given the opportunity to explore highly debated issues through a range of Thematic Studies. This subject enables students to have self awareness and reflect on their own beliefs and encourages them to develop and strengthen life skills such as respect, empathy, debate, the ability to listen, tolerance and many more. This supports and compliments a wide variety of career opportunities. 

03. Religious Studies.pdf

Curriculum Plans

For more information please contact

Mrs Conway-Davis - Subject Leader of Religious Studies -

Mrs Thompson - Progress Leader of Humanities -

Mrs Russell - Director of Humanities & MFL -

For Religious Studies exam board information, click here.