
We strive to equip students with the confidence and ability to succeed in all areas of the curriculum. We aim to help them to become effective and skillful communicators and share with them our own appreciation and enjoyment of music. Our ethos is to instil the very essence of what it is to be a musician: an excellent communicator, independent learner, team player, confident performer and a skilled practitioner of music-making, however this may be achieved. 

Year 7 and Year 8

Hours per week: 1

Music is delivered to all students in a weekly 1 hour lesson throughout all of Years 7 and 8. There is a very practical focus at key stage 3, working on skill building and understanding of the elements of music and how they are applied to perform and create music effectively.

All students have access to an icloud application - Focus on Sound - allowing students to access extra music knowledge, tasks and quizzes to enhance their knowledge and skills in music.

Year 10 to Year 11

Hours per week: 2

Exam board: Eduqas WJEC GCSE /  Pearson BTEC

We currently deliver 2 music courses, GCSE and BTEC, depending on the one most suitable for the individual student depending on their interests and strengths. Students will receive 2 hour lessons per week, plus any additional instrumental lessons provided by the Hull Music Service and agreed with the school.

If a student is already studying an instrument, including singing, they will be able to use any of those pieces which meet the exam board requirements to perform during the course. Specialist instrumental/ Vocal lessons may also be arranged in conjunction with the Hull Music Service.

GCSE Music - This comprises 3 components, exploring musical skills and how to apply them.

BTEC Music - This course will give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and technical skills in a practical learning environment. you will develop key skills, ranging from rehearsing to experimenting with technology, equipment and instruments. You will also develop an understanding of the music industry.

Everyone taking this qualification will study 3 components, covering the following content areas:

1. Exploring Music Products and Styles – Exploration of the techniques used in the creation of different musical products and investigation of the key features of different musical styles and genres. 

2. Music Skills Development - Development of two musical disciplines through engagement in practical tasks, while documenting individual progress and planning for further improvement. 

3. Responding to a music Brief  - Developing and presenting music in response to a given music.

Internal assessment and external moderation is applied to Components 1 and 2, (30% weighting each) and Component 3 is externally assessed (40% weighting)

Curriculum Plans

For more information please contact

Mrs James - Subject Leader for Music -

Ms Dawes - Director of Performing, Creative and Computing -

For Music BTEC exam board information, click here.

For Music GCSE exam board information, click here.