Design & Technology

Year 9, 10, and 11

GCSE Design and Technology option course starts in Year 9 which builds from skills learned in Year 7 and Year 8, including electronics, woodworking and manufacture theory. It allows students to develop the skills and knowledge required to move onto a career in Engineering, Product Design, Graphics, and more.

The aim of the course is to provide the students with an understanding of materials used in everyday life. The lessons are designed to be based on real life and modern briefs which will engage and create a natural curiosity for the subject as well as develop creativity within the workshop.

Students will be using the iterative design process within every project, developing skills such as designing, making, testing, improving and evaluating their own creations.

Exam board: AQA

Hours per week: 

03. Design & Technology.pdf

Learning Journey

Curriculum Plans

For more information, please contact:

Miss McMillan - Subject Leader of Design & Technology - 

Miss Sansam - Director of Science & Technology -

For Design & Technology exam board information, click here