
In History, we follow a vibrant curriculum which provides students with opportunities to explore engaging and diverse social, moral, political, religious and cultural topics from the past which link in a very relevant way to the world today.   

Our students are encouraged to think deeply about key historical questions,  make well thought out decisions, communicate ideas effectively and understand the world they live in in the context of past events and decisions.  This broadens horizons and helps students to better understand their community, develop key careers skills and become great citizens.    

Historical topics are examined through a mixture of breadth and depth approaches.  Students are encouraged to regularly revisit and build on their knowledge and historical skills are developed and revisited in a progressive way over time.   

Year 7 and 8

Hours per week: 1 

In year 7 & 8 the History National Curriculum is taught.  Lessons are designed to inspire students in broadening their historical knowledge through the study of British, European and World History.  

Year 9 to Year 11

Exam board: Edexcel 

Hours per week: 2 

Students have the opportunity to engage with fascinating stories and topics from history such as plots, betrayals, murders, rebellions and investigate the evidence and different views about the past. In each key topic, you will experience many aspects of humanity through moral, social, scientific, technological cultural and political ideas.

02. History.pdf

Curriculum Plans

For more information please contact

Mrs Thompson - Progress Leader of Humanities - thompsonh@thrivetrust.uk

Mrs Russell - Director of Humanities & MFL - russellk@thrivetrust.uk

For History exam board information, please click here.