
Assistant Curriculum Leader

What is Gifted @ Western?

The Gifted Program fosters critical thinking, academic challenge, cross-curricular collaboration, and community leadership. Students enhance their intellectual growth and social development through cooperative inquiry, project based learning and technological exploration in an environment that fosters creativity and nurtures curiosity. Involvement in diverse learning situations prepares students for exemplary achievement at the post-secondary level. Students emerge from the program with well-rounded and real world skills and knowledge.

Key Pillars of the Gifted Program

Collaborative Learning

Leadership Development

Community Connections

How the Gifted Program is Unique

In order to align the Gifted Program at Western with the school’s core values and goals, we have created a unique model that emphasizes student leadership and empathy. Students are encouraged to become involved in the school and local community, develop communication and collaboration skills and engage in inquiry based learning.

The Gifted + SHSM (The Specialist High Skills Major) Advantage @ Western

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a designation granted by the Ontario Ministry of Education that allows students to focus on a career path that matches their individual skills and interests. Gifted students at Western are able to enroll in one of our SHSMs. These students learn with industry standard equipment and instructors who have worked directly in the field. They also experience on the job training with employers at skills training centres and have the opportunity to enroll in up to two post secondary courses with no tuition costs. Students who complete the SHSM requirements will graduate with a red seal on their diploma. This indicates a universal provincial designation of a higher level of achievement to all post secondary schools no matter what program the student may choose to pursue. For more information go to: 

Gifted Enrichment

Geography Gifted classes were instructed to build an island for some free build. Cards were introduced that required them to build additional pieces, such as "A hurricane is coming! Build something to get to higher ground!" or "You're super thirsty, so build a source of water".  This leads to a Natural Disaster project.  They had a blast!