Incoming WTCS grade 9? 

RSVP now to take part in our HEADSTART to HIGHSCHOOL Day!

Scan the QR Code or click the link and RSVP!  

Be sure to have your parent/guardian/family assist you with completing the Google Form!

What? WELCOME TO WESTERN - A Head start to High School

When? Wednesday August 28, 2024 9am-3pm

Where? Western Technical-Commercial School FIELD ENTRANCE

Who? ALL incoming WTCS grade 9 students can RSVP

What's it all about? 

A fulfilling day of fun and fantastic Welcome to High School activities!

The day's academic focus is on identifying and developing strategies to help students to address gaps in study skills in Literacy and Numeracy.

WTCS Teachers and Peer Leaders will support our new 9s with building a positive bridge to their WTCS career through icebreaker, team-building and orientation activities.

Please RSVP @ the link below - A DETAILED ITINERARY will follow in Late July


Direct link to the RSVP Google Form -

Please email - if any questions 

*Please note* 

There will be an additional transition day for our ASD and LD ISP students on Monday August 26. 

There will be an additional transition day for our Gifted ISP students on Tuesday August 27th.

Students are invited to attend their respective ISP day AND this day.

An RSVP for ISP days will be sent separately