Dramatic Arts


Northern Dramatic Arts & Dance

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

**Albert Einstein

Why Take Drama and/or Dance?

•         To improve your self-confidence

•         To explore your creative side

•         To improve your acting, leadership & writing skills

•         To improve your seminar presentation skills

•         To become a more critical film/TV/theatre viewer

•         To meet people with similar interests & develop life-long friendships

•         To break the routine of your day

“An Education enriched by the Arts should be considered essential for everyone.” 

**John Sculley, former CEO, Apple Corp. 

The skills you learn in drama/dance are transferable and will help you in any career. In addition, experience in drama and/or dance is valuable for college and university entrance whatever your intended field of study. Institutions of higher learning are looking for well-rounded students. Experience in the performing arts engages the imagination, fosters flexible thinking, develops disciplined effort and builds self-confidence.

“Taking drama made it a cinch to do presentations in my other classes.”

**Northern Grade 11 Drama Student

What happens in a Drama/dance Classroom?

Collaborative Games & Activities, Presentations, Rehearsals, Research, Group Work, Script Building, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Peer / Self-Assessment, Reflection, Risk Taking, Leadership, Time Management, Technical Production and so much more…but always ….PLENTY OF GROWTH & FUN!

“With content as broad as life itself, drama/dance easily relates to aspects of everything else that is taught.”      

**Charles Fowler, American Council for the Arts

What Do Students Learn in Drama?

Classical, Modern and Postmodern Acting, Directing, Playwriting, Technical Production, Tableau, Mime, Movement, Improvisation, Voice, Speech Arts, Stage Combat, Mask, Clown, Choral Drama/dance, Children’s Theatre, Story Drama/dance, Reader’s Theatre, Site Specific Theatre, Monologues, Auditioning Techniques, Scene Study & Analysis, Theatre History, Arts Appreciation

“The skills taught by the Arts – creative thinking, problem solving, risk taking, teamwork and communication are precisely the tools the workforce of tomorrow will need.”

                                **Richard Curin, President & CEO of Binney & Smith

 What are some Career / Life Skills that are developed through drama and/or dance?

Problem Solving, Public Speaking, Communication & Presentation Skills, Lateral Thinking, Interpersonal Relationships, Interview Skills, Research Skills, Time Management, Organizational Skills, Teamwork & Leadership, Flexibility, Creativity, Aesthetic Awareness & Appreciation, Cultural Appreciation, Task Completion, Responsibility, Initiative, Confidence…

The NSS drama/dance department shapes so many young people ‘s lives. It gives them a community and a safe and enriching space to explore their own creativity. In drama, I found friends but more importantly I found myself and learned that I have an important role to play.

**Northern Grade 12 Student

course listings

Grade 9: Grade 10:  Grade 11: Grade 12:

ADA1O1 - Dramatic Arts ADA2O1 - Dramatic Arts ADA3M1 - Dramatic Arts ADA4M1 - Dramatic Arts

ATC2O1 - Dance ATC3M1 - Dance ATC4M1 - Dance

co-curricular connections


Drama Association: A student council that organizes all the extra-curricular drama activities. 

Drama Crew: Students stage manage and run the lighting and sound for performances that take play in the drama studios (Shakespeare Day, Docudramas, Gr. 12 One Acts, Extra-curricular One Acts & Children’s Theatre Festival). 

Improv Club: A drama drop-in club that takes place during lunch once a week. Students play improvisation games and learn how to build characters and develop scenes by thinking on their feet. 

NTS One Acts Festival: Students audition to be cast in the student written and directed one act plays that are performed at Northern in January. One of these productions is selected to represent Northern at the National Theatre School Drama Festival in February. 

Main Stage: Students audition to be cast in the full length school play (often there is a musical component to this production) which is performed in April. This performance has a student matinee attended by local elementary schools. 

Drama Trip: The Drama Association has planned trips to attend the theatre in Toronto but they have also organized overnight excursions to London (England), Paris (France), New York City, Chicago and Stratford.

links & media