welcome back!!

Hope everyone had an amazing, relaxing summer and are ready to get back into the swing of things for 2023-2024. Lots of great things going on already at Gledhill, so please make sure you check in regularly for updates on tryouts, and to see what's going on in and around our school.

Mr. Webb

Info about me......

Age - 49

YEARS TEACHING- 13 TDSB, 5 Calgary Board

3 Durham District School Board, 1 Tokyo, Japan

EDUCATION: Carleton University - Bachelor of Arts 

University of Western Sydney, Australia - Bachelor of Teaching

HPE Specialist - OISE, UofT

Married to my amazing wife Haley, who is a Grade 1 teacher with TDSB

CHILDREN - William 15, Knox 8, London 6, 

Winnie 3 (dog)

FAV SPORTS - Rugby, Hockey, Highland Dance

FAV SPORTS TEAMS - Leafs, Jays, Raptors, Philly Eagles, NZ Allblacks, Leaside Flames U17 AA, Gledhill Tigers

FAV FOODS - Pizza, steak, fruit shake, anything on BBQ

FAV SAYINGS - "You change how you play, when you change where you play", "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard", "It's not how many times you fall down, it's the getting up that counts", "play hard, play fair, earn your stripes".