Pathway Planning


CALC Recommended Pathways

For more detailed Course Information please visit:  Choices

Important:  These flow charts show how most CALC students may progress through their studies. 

Not all students will follow these sequences exactly; individual students may vary in the rates at which they progress. 

ESL and English Recommendations

Math Recommendations 

Science Recommendations 

Do you need help understanding the Common Course Codes in the charts above? Try using the example below of ENG 2 D 1 .

The First three characters = the course title.  ( ENG = English)   (MAT, MTH, MFM, MCR, MEL, MHF, MVC = Math) and SNC, SCB, SCH, SPH = Science)

The next number = the grade level1 = grade 9; 2 = grade 10;  3  =  grade 11;  4 = grade 12

The next letter = the pathway.  In grades 9 and 10: D & W = Academic; P = Applied;  L = Locally Developed.  In grades 11 and 12:  E = Essential;  C = College; U = University

The 6th Character = is different based on the schoolboard - it is normally a 1 (don't worry about it too much)

If the above example is not clear and you want more detail try reading the page below which uses the example of ENG2D1 retrieved from and on July 25, 2022. 

ESL Learning Pathways

English Pathways

Still Have Questions? Consider the helpful resources below:

Login to and explore the helpful pathway planning tools and additional features shown below!

MyBlueprint Pathway Planning Tools and Features

Want to plan your courses with pen and paper!? Print CALC's Education Planner to help you plan!
