Managing Stress

If you are experiencing stress and anxiety about returning to school know you are not alone. This is an intense time for many. There are supports in place at the school to help you navigate this new learning journey and ensure success. However, you have to be in charge when it comes to evaluating your stress levels and applying techniques to minimize the stress and anxiety.

Please be proactive in reducing stress and anxiety. Check the resources below periodically. Additions to the list will be made.

REMEMBER TO REACH OUT if you are feeling overwhelmed or unable to manage your stress. You can contact your guidance counsellor or the STUDENT SUCCESS teacher Ms. Vibert or Ms. Beresford.

RESOURCES - resources designed by youth for youth - resources for managing stress and anxiety related to COVID-19 - Wellness Together Canada portal - mental health and substance use support - Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario

Hope some of this might be helpful.