Exam Accommodations

There will be no exams this year. There will be culminating Activities Instead

The Culminating Activity Schedule at Northern Secondary School is as follows :

(though always check the school calendar & ask your teacher)

SEMESTER 1 Exams, Culminating Activities & Credit Rescue: Jan 25, 26, 27, 30, 31

SEMESTER 2 Exams, Culminating Activities & Credit Rescue: Jun 21, 22, 23, 26, 27

Exam Accommodations will be based on students' IEPs.

The following Exam Accommodations MAY BE provided according to your IEP:

Extra time, Computer, Assistive Technology, Larger font

Extra time is found in the classroom and assistive technology will be in the library or computer labs

Exam room locations will be shared with students before the exam date - location to be decided.

I would suggest arriving early on your exam days to ensure you are in the correct location.