In-School Team (IST) and School Support Team (SST):

Please visit the school Calendar to see Northern's IST and SST scheduled meetings!

The In-School Team (IST)

The IST provides initial support to the classroom teacher, through collaboration among staff within the school. IST consultation helps teachers who work with the student to better understand the student’s needs and decide on appropriate strategies to address them. Team members share knowledge and a sense of ownership for meeting the needs. The IST is comprised of school-based staff including an administrator and special education teacher, the school-based special education Curriculum Leader (CL) or Assistant Curriculum Leader (ACL), who have responsibilities related to the management and delivery of support to students with IEPs.

Referral to an IST presupposes that sound classroom instruction based on successful practice for all students, (including principles of Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction), has been unsuccessful for the student whose needs are being discussed. Team members review the ILP and collaborate to develop an action plan of intervention strategies and to coordinate efforts among all staff that interact with the student. When an extremely urgent or exceptional situation arises, immediate discussion with the appropriate Support Services or Special Education professional should occur.

The School Support Team (SST)

Most student needs can be addressed by the IST. When the teacher has implemented the strategies recommended by the IST to address the student’s needs and the IST subsequently determines that more support is required, the student should be referred to the SST. All students must be reviewed at an IST prior to a referral to an SST.

Referral to the SST enables the concerns about the student to be discussed by a broader team of representatives from Special Education, Psychology, Social Work, Attendance Counselling, Speech-Language Pathology, Child and Youth Services, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and students over 16 years of age are invited to attend. With their permission, caregivers and outside agencies can participate as required. All SST participants bring complementary skills and knowledge to the team consultation, to meet the student’s special education needs. The SST can access support from the Autism Services Team and Behaviour Regional Services through the Learning Centre referral process, for consultation and more targeted interventions.

Parental and Student Involvement in IST/SST Processes

The active involvement of parent(s)/guardian(s) and students (who are 16 and older) enhances the effectiveness of the IST/SST process and they are valued partners, with an invaluable perspective on the student’s development, strengths, weaknesses and interests.

While parental permission and/or attendance at the meeting is not mandatory for In-School Team consultation to take place, parent(s)/guardian(s) should be informed by the classroom teacher about the teacher’s concerns, the student’s perceived needs and the kinds of instructional interventions being used. If parent(s)/guardian(s) do not participate in the IST consultation, the teacher or principal should inform them about the plan of action recommended at the meeting.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must receive a written invitation to the SST. An invitation to the SST is notice to parent(s)/guardian(s) that their child is having difficulty or being considered for referral to special education programs or services. While it is hoped that parent(s)/guardian(s) will attend the SST meeting, their permission is not required for teachers to consult with special education teachers about a student’s needs and discuss strategies to meet them.

Parental permission IS required to discuss a student’s needs in the presence of a member of Professional Support Services when identifying student information (e.g., name, grade, classroom) is used in the discussion.

If parent(s)/guardian(s) are NOT in attendance at an SST meeting, the outcome of the meeting must be shared with them by the principal (or principal designate) along with a copy of the ILP and information about any recommendations made (i.e., referral for an assessment or an IPRC).