Academic Resource center


The Academic Resource Centre is here to support students and ensure that they receive accommodations!  

The Academic Resource Centre will be available in person for I.E.P. & I.L.P. support.

Please email me directly and I can offer the following supports:


You must email me in advance (minimum 2 days notice) so if applicable that the appropriate arrangements are made.

However please know the best place to write a test is in a quiet classroom with your teacher. 

Students who require to write in an alternative location usually do because they need to use speech to text or have a condition that will distract others. We have over 500 students connected to ARC.

If require the use of a computer for a test or assignment we can lend you a laptop.

 Remember you and your teacher should email me a minimum of 2 school days prior to any test. 

What supports does the Academic Resource Centre offer?

Teachers have access to your IEP and provide support regarding accommodations and ARC can give you copies

Your IEP will be remain in place when you transition to grade 9 - your teachers have access to them from day 1 

GLE and GLS classes are another option to support your learning during remote education.  GLS and GLE teachers can check in with you regularly to ensure success, connect with all of your teachers, provide one-on-one support with academics.

Monitor student success to ensure each and every student with an IEP is reaching full potential.

Provide resources to support students and parents. 

Who do I contact if I have a concern about my success in a course? 

Your first contact should be the classroom teacher.  It is important you get all the information related to evaluations/marks and class performance.  You need to first figure out if the lack of success in a course is due to things you can control (attendance, task completion, participation) or things out of your control (processing speed, reading comprehension, essentially anything that is connected to your LD). 

If lack of success is due to your learning profile, then you need to speak to your classroom teacher about your IEP and accommodations.  You can also set some goals with your teacher to ensure success.  You should also connect with your GLE and GLS teacher for advice. 

Feel free to schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor to review things. 

Please see parent-teacher protocol: 

What if technology or access to technology is an issue?  

All grade 9 students were offered 1:1 devices that they will keep for their school career. Teachers ensure technology access in school by teaching classrooms with technology or by borrowing Chromebooks from ARC. if you do not have technology at home, please let me know and I will review your OSR and see if you qualify for a SEA Claim.  

What about social supports? 

On Tuesdays at lunch I run the Spectrum Social Club. It is primarily for students who have A. S. D. but they are encouraged to bring friends and is open to anyone who is socially awkward or neurodivergent who find themselves alone at lunch. We play games, listen to music, and hang out. The dream is to have it student led and to expand our 'Fun Time' .... 

If you are having more serious social issues please speak to your guidance counselor.

What about my SEA claim?

You can collect your SEA claim equipment from ARC in room 112.