ETP-Problem Definition

"What I’m starting to gain a greater appreciation for is that the best results are achieved not by talking about the how, but by talking about the why."

-Julie Zhuo

1. Define the problem

"The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill."

― Albert Einstein

" a highly digitized economic climate in which our educational organizations exist, antiquated and independent operations of a technology department cannot operate outside of the goals, culture, and pedagogical vision of the instructional side of the organization and the belief that a mission of success is possible.

Equally, in a highly technical world with the expectation that students should be empowered digital citizens, the instructional goals must incorporate effective, meaningful digital tools"

--Bill Lewis, CTO, Seguin ISD

Let's ask Bill Lewis and see what he thinks. He suggests the following steps:

  • Create a year-round collaborative environment that fosters relationships between instruction and technology.
  • Keep board and district goals aligned.
  • Create a process where the instructional needs drive all decisions.
  • Be intentional with the integration of technology and instruction.
  • Address the infrastructure needs of technology to support student and staff needs.

Did You Know?

E‐Rate no longer requires a technology plan as part of the filing process, there is no more NCLB, and the Texas ePlan is not required by the State of Texas.

It's not the plan that's important. Rather, it's the planning process that shapes the future.