Gaming for Good: Building an Academic Esports Program

Guest Host: Gregg Kite with Robert Bennett

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Join the leaders of the Texas Scholastic Esports Federation as they provide a basic introduction to running an esports program in your school or district that has purpose and ambition. Covering practical topics (such as where to start, competition structures, hardware requirements, and more) to more philosophical ones (like ethics and inclusivity in esports programs, integration into school culture, etc.), this webinar will prepare you for your venture into the incredible world of scholastic esports.

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PRESENTER - Gregg Kite

Gregg Kite is a career educator, having spent 5 years working at the middle school level, and is now a district-level Technology Trainer. During that time, Gregg has blazed a new path, excelling at using instructional technology in new and innovative ways to reach his students more effectively. He has -- by necessity -- become an excellent communicator and instructional designer, not only in the classroom, but in various professional development programs across the state. Gregg has earned specialized certifications from Google and Microsoft, and he continues to build on that knowledge every day. In his new position, he relays this information and training to faculty within his school district.

Texas Scholastic Esports Federation

In my efforts, I've also begun a non-profit organization called the Texas Scholastic Esports Federation, which governs and advocates the scholastic use of Esports in high schools in the state of Texas. As President/CEO of this organization, I have brought together a group of individuals passionate about esports and how they benefit students at the K12 level, offering them increased student participation, new competitive outlets, and a college/career readiness for a new generation."

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