Chunking Content for More Success

Dr. Bruce Ellis - - @DrBruceEllis

Chunking content (breaking it into smaller bits) is a great way to help students succeed. We’ll discuss the why and how so you can start chunking tomorrow in class!

What is it?

According to Wikipedia, chunking is a method of presenting information which splits concepts into small pieces or "chunks" of information to make reading and understanding faster and easier. Chunked content usually contains:

  • bulleted lists

  • short subheadings

  • short sentences with one or two ideas per sentence

  • short paragraphs, even one-sentence paragraphs

  • easily scannable text, with bolding of key phrases

  • inline graphics to guide the eyes or illustrate points which would normally require more words

why do it?

Learning new material can be daunting...especially if students have little prior knowledge to build upon. Exposing them to large passages with many complex bits of information will ensure they retain LESS. Breaking content up allows for smaller amounts of information to be processed before introducing more content. These smaller but focused exposure experiences help students internalize and recall information.

Ideally this is a combination of the teacher providing a chunked piece of content (or identifying how a particular text is already chunked) AND students interacting with the smaller pieces in a collaborative setting. Ensure more retention of chunked content by encouraging movement, drawing, talking, listening, etc.

Bite, snack & meal


This is a headline for an article, post, or story. Short, concise and to the point phrase or sentence that captures the essence of the larger text.


This is a short summary of the larger text. It doesn't tell everything but shares the main points of the text being referenced.


This is the full article, post, or text. It has not been shortened or edited for brevity. It contains all the information, facts, and details of the writer.

Quick dive Activity

Dive into one of the links below and look for a strategy for chunking, an example of chunking, a reason for chunking, etc. that you can share with the group. We will come up for air and share in 3 minutes.


The Power of the Jigsaw - this post explains the Jigsaw method and how it can propel student learning more than traditional teaching.

Element 9: Chunking Content into "Digestible Bites" focuses on teachers' ability to chunk information for students.

High Impact Teaching Strategies document by the State of Victoria Dept. of Ed. Pages 18-19 focus on collaborative learning.