I Didn't Know TCEA Provided That!

Facilitator: Lori Gracey - lgracey@tcea.org

Session Description

TCEA has a ton of benefits for busy educators, and I bet that you don't know even half of them. Join me to learn how you can take advantage of what is available to you as a member FREE.


#1 - Track Your Learning

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#2 - TCEA 2021






Greet Your Students at the Door.

Don't put too much on the walls.


The brain is a social organ.

Most people learn much better when that learning is done through social interaction.

Collaborating with peers turns out to lead to much better learning outcomes.


The brain needs novelty.

It turns out that what the brain really craves is novelty. Novelty—being exposed to new ideas and things—releases dopamine, which is a neurochemical that's part of the pleasure center of our brains.

The brain has a short attention span.

It needs repetition and multiple-channel processing for deeper learning to occur.

  • Variation in activities matters!

  • Re-establish attention every five to 10 minutes.

  • Repetition supports learning.

Spaced repetition is necessary.

The brain operates on the “use it or lose it” principle. It's constantly building and re-building neural pathways. Those pathways that are used the most often get stronger and more well-established. Those pathways that aren't used get built over.

Want to Learn More about Strategies That Work?