
"What are we here to do?...What is the best alignment between what we have to offer, and what people need?"

-Irene Au

Need a moral imperative? A reason why technology can make a difference? Here are two popular ways that others get that.

Tony Wagner's "Seven Survival Skills"

The Seven Survival skills provide a critical framework that young students of today need to acquire and master.

With the advance of artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, automation, and globalization, the pace of change within human society within the next 30 years, will outpace the change of the last 5,000 years.

With this transferable skill set, the Seven Survival Skills, young students of today will be empowered to harness these changes for their future success.

ISTE Standards...Leaders, Educators, and Students

The ISTE Standards for Education Leaders support the implementation of the ISTE Standards for Students and the ISTE Standards for Educators and provide a framework for guiding digital age learning.

These standards target the knowledge and behaviors required for leaders to empower teachers and make student learning possible.

They’re focused on some of the most timely, yet enduring, topics in education today – equity, digital citizenship, visioneering, team and systems building, continuous improvement and professional growth.

Explore the Leader Standards

The ISTE Standards for Leaders guide administrators in supporting digital age learning, creating technology-rich learning environments and leading the transformation of the educational landscape.

Explore the standards. What kind of leadership style will you need to adopt to achieve each standard?

How could you shift the conversation in your district to be MORE than just readin', 'riting, and 'rithmetic?