Toronto Public Library

Get a Digital Access Card if you don't have a TPL card! Access : eBooks, audiobooks and so much more. Access Cards have been extended to the end of March, but for longterm TPL use, I recommend visiting a local branch to get a card or filling out a form in the library.

Once you have your card, download the Overdrive or Libby (newer) apps and sync your card number. Happy Reading!

Research Databases - for all subject areas. Recommended for all: Academic One File, JSTOR

Teen Website - tutoring, jobs, volunteering, online program, language resources and more.

Free Programs and Workshops - Virtual/in-person: (Ex. finances, story time, coding, book clubs, art lessons)

Free movies, music & more.

Cantook Station - French-language eBooks

Books and videos from major technology and business publishers.

TPL Blog - 38 ways to use TPL @ Home

If you have fifteen minutes of found time, check out all that TPL has to offer.

Seriously, we are so lucky in Toronto!