Hello St. Patrick's Community!

Welcome to our school's Library Learning Common's (L.L.C.) website. The L.L.C. is open during Periods 1 and 3 during Semester 1. If you need assistance with anything, please contact me.

Ms. Farragher

(pronounced Far-A-Her 😉)
Share GAFE items with me: farragh@tcdsb.ca
Check out videos I've created or curated for staff and students (see topic based playlists).

Did you know that you can look for books on our school's online library catalogue?

  • Login using your school account.

  • Use the search bar to look for authors, titles or subjects.

  • Click reserve and I will deliver the book to your period 1 class, or you can come by the library to pick it up!

Reset your password


Visit the following link to register for the service.



Visit the following link when you need to reset your password and bookmark for future use.


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