Formatting & Citing Guides

MLA, APA or Chicago STYLE 

Your teachers may require you to submit assignments according to certain formatting and citation styles for academic writing.  What they are asking you for is three things:

1) Citing your sources using in-text or parenthetical citations throughout your work

2) Citing your sources using a References or Works Cited page at the end of your work 

3) Making your work look a certain way - MLA and APA essays look different in terms of cover pages, headers, etc., so make sure yours looks exactly like the examples given!  

*** TIPS: In Google Docs, you can go to the Template Gallery instead of opening a new blank doc and choose MLA or APA template to work with! Once writing, you can also go to Insert > Citations > and then use the sidebar on the right hand side of your page.  If you are researching using a database like GALE or Infobase, use the built in citation generator on the site. 

Tempted to skip out on the formatting and citing part of your assignment? Please don't! Why? Well, you won't be doing the assignment properly AND you risk plagiarizing! Plus, you'll feel good when you submit the best work possible. 


Style specific videos: 

Use these citation websites to help you!

Our School's MLA/APA Guide 

Documenting and Citing Information Sources (MLA:APA).pdf

more detailed information on avoiding plagiarism: 

Building Knowledge, Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism .pdf

Dive Deeper Into Formatting

Another great resource is OWL Purdue's Online Writing Lab which explains MLA & APA formatting guides in detail as well.