Online Research Resources

Check out research Databases!

Not sure if you know what a database is? If you use sites like Netflix or Amazon, you are technically using a database already. Research databases have the same structure or hierarchy of information, so keep this in mind as you watch the video to learn more.

Peer-reviewed articles; full-text magazines, newspapers, and eBooks; primary source documents; and videos or podcasts.

Subject-specific Databases: Criminal Justice, Canada in Context, Business, Culinary Arts, Fine Arts, Communication and Mass Media, Computer Science, Health, Hospitality and Tourism and more.

Access to general databases: Academic One File

Password: library

Another user-friendly Collection of Research Databases (Nonfiction Resources) including:

- *NEW* Issues & Controversies

- Bloom's Literature

- Science Online

- World Religions

Click on subscriber access in the top right corner.

Username: stpatrickcss Password: Library

LLC: Intro to Infobase Databases.mp4

How to use Infobase Databases

LLC: Intro to GALE Databases.mp4

How to use GALE Databases

The Toronto Public Library also gives free access to many databases that will help you in secondary and post-secondary school.

Recommended: JSTOR and Academic OneFile

Login: Use your Toronto Public Library card and pin number

Remember, if you don't have a TPL card, get a digital access card!

Encyclopedias are Great sources of information too.

Encyclopedia: reference work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or that treats a particular branch of knowledge in a comprehensive manner

The Canadian Encyclopedia is a great resource to use if you are a beginner researcher!

There is no login required.

Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, images and more from experts.

Click here to log in to Britannica online using your Toronto Public Library card and pin.

To save articles and your search history, create a personal account once logged in using your school Google account.

Encyclopedia: a work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged alphabetically often by subject

Curio - CBC (Video & Audio)

Carefully curated collection of CBC / Radio-Canada documentaries, news features, dramas and kids’ programming, brings you the highest calibre content to explore the world through a Canadian lens.

Check out the many resources that are available through our virtual library. Use the logins and passwords below to gain access!

St Pats Virtual Library Passwords.docx