
Parts of Speech

Nouns,Verbs, and Adjectives

Parts of Speech

The English language has about 9 parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, and interjections.(If you don't know these words, don't worry. We will study some of them this quarter.)

Parts of Speech - What's a noun? What's a verb? WATCH the first video. Watch it and then watch it a second time. Stop it and take notes. If you studied this before, watch and review.

Another part of speech is an adjective. What is an adjective? Watch the videos two times. The second time, take notes. Review if you have studied this before.

PRACTICE - Click the blue button below.

Do the activity below. Identify whether the words in the list are nouns, verbs, or adjectives. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Check your answers by going to 'ANSWERS' and click on the 'v' on the right.

Parts of Speech



1) worker 1) listen 1) beautiful

2) Linda 2) is 2) angry

3) bus stop 3) crunch 3) white

4) hair 4) cook 4) playful

5) temple 5) drive 5) two

6) Wells Fargo Bank 6) feel 6) bald

7) idea 7) sing 7) comfortable

8) ocean 8) were

9) sandwich

10) baby

11) cat

12) tickets

13) supervisor

14) parking lot