Technology that helps

Technology can be a help or a hinderance for students who are trying to study. Below are some resources that can assist students to use technology to benefit their education.

Website Blockers

Self-Control is an app designed to be your own personal distraction blocker. The way it works is pretty uncomplicated: It permits you to add certain websites to your “blacklist” that you want to block and allows you to set a timer … it’s that simple!

      • Platform: Mac users

Cold Turkey blocks access to a selection of websites chosen by the user. Designed primarily for students as users can schedule websites to block at certain times, which can be repeated on a weekly basis.

    • Platforms: Windows and Mac users

StayFocusd lets you invoke the “nuclear option” which temporarily, but completely, blocks the internet except the websites you give an exception for. Another unique feature is the ability to allow yourself to visit blocked sites in an emergency by typing out a long-winded paragraph.

Google Chrome Extensions

You can find apps, extensions, and browser themes for the Google Chrome browser in the Chrome Web Store. With these additions, you can do more with Chrome.

Boost reading and writing confidence across all types of content and devices, in class, at work, and at home.

Literacy toolbar, Read&Write for Google Chrome™ provides personalised support, making documents, web pages and Google Drive files more accessible. For use anywhere, anytime and on any device, this discreet toolbar can help everyone engage with digital content in a way that suits their ability and learning style.

From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps you eliminate writing errors and find the perfect words to express yourself. You’ll get suggestions from Grammarly as you write on Gmail, Twitter, LinkedIn, and nearly everywhere else you find yourself writing. Grammarly is a writing assistant that goes deeper than grammar to offer you comprehensive writing feedback.

Customise the web to your needs. Features such as dyslexia support, reader mode, overlays, rulers, text to speech and more.

Helperbird is a browser extension that gives you features and customization such as dyslexia fonts, change the font & background color, text to speech, overlays, speech to text, dyslexia rulers, reader mode and more to make the web accessible to your needs!


Quizlet is the easiest way to practice and master what you’re learning. Create your own flashcards and study sets or choose from millions created by other students — it’s up to you.

A personalized learning resource for all ages

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Khan tackles math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.

From curriculum-aligned videos produced at ClickView to the best available free-to-air content, ClickView’s content is now used by 1 in 2 secondary schools in Australia.