Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) affects one in twenty Australians, that’s 1.2 million people, but is frequently misunderstood and under-diagnosed. Key features are inattention, distractibility, hyperactivity and impulsivity, and it may also be linked to other co-ocurring mental health conditions.

ADHD is diagnosed using criteria outlined in the 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition' (DSM-5). To be diagnosed with ADHD the symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity:

  • need to be excessive for the developmental age of the individual

  • need to be present before the age of 12

  • must have persisted for longer than 6 months

  • must contribute to impairment across multiple settings i.e. home, school, childcare, work, etc.

The type of ADHD diagnosed depends on the most predominate set of symptoms.

*Information provided by ADHD Australia


CHADD Toolkit.

ADHD and school: A toolkit for parents

CHADD Factsheets

  • Homework help for ADHD

  • Parenting Teens with ADHD

  • ADHD and Your Teens

  • Educational Adjustments

ADHD – ways to help children at school and home

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Learning Links Tips and Facts Sheet

  • How can Parents best support students with ADHD

  • How does ADHD affect children?

ADHD in the Classroom

Christina Bellanti, PhD, clinical director of Bradley Schools, discusses how ADHD can affect learning and how to spot signs that a child may need assistance

ADHD in the Classroom

Dana Tiller discusses how to help kids diagnosed with ADHD succeed in the classroom. She explains what's going on in the ADHD brain, what ADHD behaviours look like in school, and tips for dealing with impulsivity and non-compliance in the classroom.

TED Talk

Jessica McCabe tell us the story of her life. Once a gifted child with bright future, who later lives a life of a constant failures, because one thing - her ADHD diagnosis. Until one thing changed everything and she realized, that she is not alone.

ADHD and Working memory

Learn what working memory is, and see how a teacher's instructions are interpreted by a typical child, and a child with ADHD.

Useful Links