

Every effort is made to gather information as to the needs of young people seeking enrolment prior to their commencement at the College. This is to ensure that proactive planning will result in the delivery of an appropriate individual education program. Students who have additional needs should be interviewed by the Principal in consultation with the Diverse Learning Coordinator and/or teacher. Meetings may be sought with the students’ current primary school to assess what provisions or supports are already in place.

Any and all medical or allied health information that is available regarding the needs of the student should be provided to the College at the time of enrolment. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Psychometric Assessments

  • Occupational Therapist (OT) Report

  • Speech Pathology Reports

  • Psychiatric Reports

  • Paediatrician or Specialist Reports

The College has provided a list of Allied health professionals if you are seeking to have assessments completed for your child.

Post Enrolment

All year 7 entrants (with appropriate exceptions) are tested towards the end of the year preceding enrolment. The NAPLAN testing, which occurs during Year 7 and Year 9, provides a second opportunity to thoroughly monitor the entire cohort. Those students whose performance scores fall into the lower stains (1 and 2) are closely monitored, meetings with the family are sought and arrangements for diagnostic testing are made.

If at any time a parent has a concern about their child's ability to learn they are encouraged to first speak to their child's teachers. If your child's teacher believes there may be a need for further testing they will encourage you to contact the Diverse Learning department.