
Learning Options

The COVID-19 virus has proven to be resilient and fluid. Uncertainty, the need to be flexible, and to make adjustments with little notice will likely continue. Families should be prepared for the rapid transition between 100% Face-to-Face Learning, Blended Learning, and 100% Remote Learning. Spikes, flare-ups, and absenteeism could result in individual buildings needing to shift delivery models. Current protocol dictates any individual that has been in contact (within 6 feet for 10 or more minutes) of a person that has tested positive for the virus to self-quarantine for 14 days.

We will be using a variety of data sources to continually monitor educational delivery options. These include student absenteeism, staff absenteeism, risk level as outlined by the Ohio Department of Health color-coded system, daily hygiene practices of students, and social distancing behaviors.