Frequently Asked Questions

All-In Learning FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding “All-In” (five days per week classes)

Q: Why is now the time to transition to an ‘all-in’ learning model?

A: We have experienced a significant decrease in case counts and positivity rates within the school district boundaries over the past six weeks. We are now at the lowest level since September. In addition, we have experienced a decrease in the number of staff and students reporting positive cases. We have averaged less than 0.06% of our students/staff with a confirmed case of the virus for the last three weeks. These rates provide us a high level of confidence that students can return to classrooms safely without contributing to spread of the virus.

The most current quarantine guidance reduces the physical distance associated with close contact. Theoretically, this change allows us to double the number of students in attendance without increasing the number of students that would need to be quarantined due to exposure to the virus. In reality, it is possible that we will experience some level of increased numbers, but our conversations with other districts that have been ‘all-in’ indicate that extra-curricular activities and outside of school behaviors are more likely to drive quarantine numbers than what happens during the school day. The controlled environment provided by schools with layered safety and health protocols in place have been shown to limit the transmission of the virus even in an ‘all-in’ learning model.

Vaccinations have now been offered to the most at-risk members of our community. As the availability of the vaccine continues to increase - risks will continue to decrease. The need for school staff to quarantine has been significantly decreased by the opportunity for them to receive the vaccine. This provides greater certainty that we will be able to sufficiently staff our operations.

Q How will the district maintain physical distance in an ‘all-in’ model?

A: With the increase of students in attendance, physical distancing will be decreased. Distancing expectations are to the greatest extent possible. The distance maintained will vary based on the setting, activity, and number of students. Classroom configurations, limiting bus riders to two per seat, and expanding seating options during lunch are some of the ways we will adjust to increasing the number of students in our schools. With the roughly 2,400 students in our Virtual Learning Academy remaining in the Academy, this will help reduce the number of students we need to accommodate in the school buildings. We have also purchased clear plastic dividers for building use to add another layer of protection due to the decrease in physical distancing.

Q: What is the current quarantine guidance?

The most recent Ohio Department of Health K-12 School Quarantine Guidelines can be found at:

Q: What health and safety precautions will be in place?

A: The following mitigation strategies will be followed in our school buildings:

  • The need for home health assessments will continue, including temperature (100.4° or higher), before entering school or a school bus each morning. Buildings will review screenings with students upon arrival.

  • Face masks/coverings will continue to be required in all school settings and on school buses.

  • Physical distancing to minimize the opportunities for exposure will continue to be practiced to the greatest extent possible.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom, school buses, and in high traffic areas of the buildings.

  • We have secured approximately 21,000 clear plastic desk barriers to be used in our school buildings.

  • Cleaning supplies to sanitize student and staff work areas will continue to be available throughout the school day.

  • All students will have assigned seats on school buses with a maximum of two students per seat, unless they are from the same family.

  • Lunchroom seating will be expanded.

  • Visitors or volunteers will continue to be allowed in school buildings on a very limited basis. Individuals seeking to enter a school building will need a purpose that is essential to the activities currently taking place within the school. Face masks/coverings will be required at all times.

  • Movement in hallways will be one-way whenever possible.

  • Building entries, exits and reception areas will be sanitized after student arrival and dismissal and as needed throughout the day.

  • Cafeterias will be sanitized after each group. (all tables, entry & exit points). Students will be assigned seating during lunch periods.

  • Student bathrooms will be sanitized following student arrival, prior to lunch, after lunch and prior to dismissal. (4 times per day)

  • High contact surfaces, such as handrails, door knobs, water fountains, will be sanitized frequently throughout the school day.

Q: How does transitioning to an ‘all-in’ model impact extra-curricular activities?

A: We will continue to follow OHSAA and the guidance as issued by the Ohio Department of Health.

Q: Does this affect preschool?

A: Preschool students will continue their current schedule and learning model for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.

Q: Are there changes to lunch and breakfast procedures?

A: We adjusted many of the procedures for breakfast and lunch as part of the Blended Learning model. These procedures will remain in place, plus additional seating options will be available. Since students will not be wearing a mask while they eat, buildings will be as creative as possible to maximize the distance between students. The USDA has extended food service waivers allowing students to eat breakfast and lunch free-of-charge through the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

Q: Will my child be able to switch to the Virtual Learning Academy or from the VLA to in-person school when the district transitions to it's ‘all-in’ learning model?

A: The Virtual Learning Academy was a year-long commitment for students and parents. Students are unable to move in or out of the VLA program when the district transitions from it’s blended to “all-in” learning models. This is due to staffing and space concerns. At the start of the school year, it was shared that students choosing in-person instruction would likely experience fully remote, blended, and ‘all-in’ learning environments at some point during the school year.

Q: Will bus stops and times need to change?

A: Students riding a school bus will follow their current bus schedule with possible special education exceptions. Special education students will be notified if there is a change to their current schedule. Students must wear face masks/coverings while riding a school bus.

Q: Will arrival and dismissal procedures change?

A: The adjusted arrival and dismissal procedures used for the Blended Learning model transfer to an ‘all-in’ model well. While a few minor adjustments will be made, parents dropping off and picking up students should not experience the need to make changes on their end. Students will be led through any other adjustments by building staff.

Q: How will hallway transitions be managed?

A: This will look different depending on grade levels. Principals will communicate revised plans to reduce the number of students in hallways and common areas. Strategies such as one-way hallways, one-way stairwells, early class dismissal, and adjusting internal bell schedules will be the most common strategies.

Q: How will end-of-the-year events, including performance groups and rehearsals, be scheduled and coordinated?

A: We will follow OHSAA event and sports guidance documents and ODH best practices for Performing Arts Activities and Venues, which currently stand at occupancy rates of 25% for indoor capacity and 30% outdoor capacity. This will include graduations and proms.

Blended Learning FAQs

Facility Preparations & Safety Precautions

Q: Are there cleaning protocols in place for the general building and grounds, classrooms, offices, large gathering spaces, materials, etc.

A: Protocols have been developed for all district facilities. In addition to regular cleaning practices, additional cleaning will be performed daily and nightly with an even more detailed cleaning to occur between blue and green student groups. Expectations for Additional Sanitization Activities are that:

  • Building entries, exits and reception areas will be sanitized after student arrival and dismissal and as needed throughout the day.

  • Cafeterias will be sanitized after each group. (all tables, entry & exit points). Student bathrooms will be sanitized following student arrival, prior to lunch, after lunch and prior to dismissal. (4 times per day)

  • High contact surfaces, such as handrails, door knobs, water fountains, will be sanitized following student arrival, following lunch & prior to dismissal. (3 times per day)

  • Playground equipment will be sanitized prior to student arrival and following use by each group.

  • All student and teacher desks/chairs will be sanitized nightly.

Q: How will arrival and dismissal procedures and building entrances change?

A: Arrival and dismissal procedures will vary building-by-building. Buildings may be using additional entrances to assist with physical distancing and and the efficient dismissal of students. Once the school day begins traditional procedures will be used to ensure safety of students and staff by restricting access throughout the school day.

Q: How will classroom transitions and visual directions work?

A: The number of transitions or amount of movement in a day will increase for students in higher grade bands as opposed to younger students. This is necessary to enable students to participate in course offerings specific to them and their educational requests.

  • Signage or visual cues will be posted in areas that necessitate queuing or lining up to encourage appropriate physical distancing.

Q: How will classrooms be arranged and will there be visual directions?

A: We will not remove furniture from classrooms (in order to be prepared to move to 100% face-to-face instruction), however, teachers will be asked to provide for the maximum amount of social distancing possible.

  • Whenever possible, desks will face the same direction.

  • Schools and teachers will educate students on the new protocols and routines.

Q: Does the school building have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE)?

A: We are asking that students and staff provide their own face coverings, but we will have extra for individuals that need them. Clinic staff has access to PPE for medical staff. Custodians and teachers have access to additional supplies for their use.

Q: What will libraries, media centers, gyms, stages, cafeterias, and recreation centers be used for during the school day?

A: These spaces are an integral part of our instructional protocols. With that said, these spaces may be used to further divide students and encourage physical distancing. Each building has a plan.

Q: Will hand sanitizer be available to students and staff?

A: Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and in common spaces throughout each building. Students and staff will be asked to apply hand-sanitizer when leaving and entering a new space. These protocols and routines will be a part of orientation activities and regularly reinforced. Frequent hand washing with soap and water is also recommended.

Q: Will water fountain use be permitted?

A: Water fountain use will be permitted to full water bottles, We encourage students to bring their own water bottles or bottled water. Students should not share their water bottles or bottled water with others.

Q: What about preschool? Are they going to continue preschool? Only 2 days a week to start? Do they have to wear face masks?

A: Yes. Preschool is sending out information to families soon. Face masks/coverings will be strongly recommended but not required at this time.

Q: Will face shields be an appropriate option for face coverings?

A: Face shields are not recommended as the most effective form of face covering unless a mask is worn underneath the shield. We recommend students and staff members wear or disposable cloth masks or face coverings.

Q: What is the rationale for not allowing mask breaks in grade 7-12?

A: Masks are part of a layered protocol to reduce the spread of the virus. With the scheduling difference between K- 6 and 7- 12 the ability to reduce movement is significantly different. 7- 12 students will change classes more frequently therefore masks play a more significant role in our safety protocols.

Q: Who is responsible to enforce mask wearing, social distancing, shared technology and cleaning classrooms/use of hand sanitizer?

A: As with all discipline issues, teachers and administrators will work collaboratively with students and families regarding district rules and expectations for the wearing of face coverings and social distancing. We have enhanced cleaning procedures in place. Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and other areas within the buildings.

Q: I have heard you are accepting mask donations. Is this correct? If so, where and when would they need to be dropped off?

A: Correct. The South-Western City Schools Educational Foundation is driving this initiative. Donations can be dropped off at your local fire station (SWCSEF). Flyers were sent home to all parents via Peachjar and posted on our social media sites.

Signs of Illness, Nurse’s Office and Wellness Activities

Q: When should students or staff come to school or stay home based on symptoms?

A: Please review the guidelines on the following web pages:

At Home Screening Process

COVID 19 Prevention and Response Information

When to Keep Your Child Home from School

Q: What should staff and students do if they are sick or become ill?

A: Students should notify their teacher or the supervising adult. Staff should communicate with their direct supervisor.

  • We will be creating separate spaces for students needing routine clinic support and students showing signs of illness at each building. This way clinic staff have the ability to isolate students showing signs of illness from children requiring other clinic services.

    • If individuals are sick or displaying symptoms of illness before school, they should not come to school.

Q: How will chronic health information be shared with the new staff and substitute staff who will be present in buildings next fall?

  • Our student information system (Infinite Campus) contains a flag to alert the appropriate individuals of chronic health information. Parents should follow up with buildings to ensure this information is current and up-to-date.

Q: If any of us become exposed, is it 14 days no matter what or can we get tested and return to school at the point there is a negative test?

A: We are currently developing protocols for exposure and positive cases with school nurses and FCPH. Based on the current testing timelines the result will likely be the same.

Q: Will we be notified with a student becoming positive for COVID-19?

A: We will follow Franklin County Public Health recommendations on notification. At a minimum you should be able to expect that if an individual has been within 6 feet of a confirmed positive individual for 10 or more minutes to be notified.

Q: Are the middle schools still without air conditioning? In the early months it's still pretty hot so my concern was the mask in the heat if the building is not air conditioned. Also it was a little confusing on where students will eat lunch.

A: Requiring students and staff to wear face coverings adds another layer of complexity when making the decision to hold classes face-to-face. Excessive heat coupled with face covering requirements may necessitate closing a building for face-to-face instruction on a given day.

Q: Will there be temperature screening for students?

A: We are asking parents to take their students’ temperatures before sending their child(ren) to school.


Q: How will the district/school communicate to parents and staff?

A: We will use a variety of methods. Email, text, and telephone will be the primary methods used to communicate with parents. This allows time sensitive information to be distributed more efficiently. For items that are not time sensitive and/or are more general resources, we will utilize the district website ( ) to share the most current and up- to- date information.

Q: What will be shared with others about COVID-19 cases?

A: We will be communicating COVID-19 information in much the same way we have communicated other contagious health-related information to families and staff members. We will be working closely with our local health departments and will be following their processes and procedures. This means that a person, who has been within 6 feet of an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 10 or more minutes, will receive notification of exposure to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 and will be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.

Q: Are you sharing new schedules and transportation plans with other organizations (charter schools, career centers, etc.)?

A: Yes, we are working with our partner agencies and organizations that support our students to allow them to plan appropriately and assist us with service delivery.

Visitor Procedures (including students & staff)

Q: How will schedule pick-up and student orientations occur in August 2020?

A: These activities will all be done virtually this fall. Principals are in the process of planning their orientation activities. Schedules will be available in Infinite Campus.

Q: Who will screen students, parents, and staff who attempt to enter the building?

A: Individuals will be expected to conduct regular self-screening procedures prior to entering a school building. A standard list of questions will be asked of individuals to confirm that a self-assessment has been conducted. We will have individuals and devices available if the self-assessment has not been completed.

Q: Will volunteers and guests/visitors be permitted in the building?

A: Yes, on a very limited basis. Individuals seeking to enter a school building will need a purpose that is essential to the activities currently taking place within the school. Individuals are asked to call ahead to confirm their visit is necessary and/or to determine if an alternative method could be used to accomplish the activity’s purpose. All individuals will be expected to answer the screening questions prior to consideration for admittance.

Classroom Instruction and Learning Models

Q: What will class sizes be?

A: In the blended model, our typical class sizes will be drastically reduced to approach approximately 50% of their typical size. We are working to keep households together so students can receive instruction on the same days per week. As a result, there will be some fluctuation in numbers based on individual classrooms and class periods.

Q: Will students still share community supplies in classrooms?

A: Community or shared supplies will not be a standard practice during this time period. Teachers are asked to structure instruction appropriately and be mindful of this during planning. The district will be providing a basic set of supplies to all students in grades K-6 alleviating the need for community supplies at those grade levels.

Q: Will students be allowed to bring their own devices and supplies to school?

A: Yes and we will provide devices for any student who does not have one.

Q: Are there plans for virtual curriculum nights and back-to-school events?

A: Yes. Buildings will be creating these virtual plans and communicating information to families as we get closer to the opening of school.

Q: Will there be a freshman orientation ? I think this is needed due to it’s a new school and they are not familiar with the school.

A: 7th grade and freshman orientations will be virtual for the 2020-2021 school year.

Q: How do I know where my child is going to school, she is moving from 4th to 5th grade? Our neighborhood attends multiple schools within the district.

A: We have an address look-up tool on our website at You will be able to determine all of the schools your child will attend from a given address. All of our traditional back to school activities will be conducted virtually this year. Principals will be providing more information before school starts.

Q: Will you have recess and, if you do, what restrictions will be in place?

A: Recess is encouraged and will be scheduled at a building level. Some traditional activities may be unavailable as we strive to maintain appropriate social distancing and sanitation.

Q: My son is a student at the South-Western Career Academy. He will be returning this Fall as a senior. Because these programs are hands-on, how are your plans going to impact him being able to complete his program? He needs to be in the classroom for hands-on instruction for learning this trade.

A: SWCA student programs have required hours for certifications. Being able to deliver instruction in a blended or full face-to-face setting will be important to meeting their needs. More information will be coming out shortly from the Career-Tech department. Our CT department is working to arrange student schedules so they are able to get the number of hours required for licensing exams.

Q: Will all children within the same household be on the same blue or green schedule with one another no matter which grade? We may need older children to watch younger children on their ‘at home’ days due to parents being at work.

A: We currently have the ability to schedule students in the same household/address on the same blue or green schedule, no matter what the grade level.

Q: Are we able to request which days our child will attend face-to-face learning?

A: Because we have made keeping families together on the same days, we are not able to take requests for b/g days at this time.

Q: Is it an option to choose the blended learning for the whole year?

A: No. Blended learning is one scenario in the face-to-face learning environment. Whether blended, 100% face-to-face, or 100% remote learning will be determined by multiple data points such as student absenteeism, staff absenteeism, risk level as outlined by the Ohio Department of Health color-coded system, daily hygiene practices of students, and social distancing behaviors.

Q: How will elementary specials (UA) be done safely?

A: We are working with our curriculum department to develop best practices. For grades K-6, we will be purchasing individual supplies.

Q: Will children still be able to take accelerated classes if they choose theVLA option?

A: While the courses in VLA may not match the AP offerings that we have in our buildings exactly, students in VLA will have the opportunity to take AP, CCP, and accelerated courses.

Q: In high school are students moving from classroom to classroom with a different set of students each time or will students stay in the same group in one classroom and teachers move from classroom to classroom?

A: This will look different depending on grade levels but high school students will be moving from class-to-class. Plans are being developed to minimize student movement during the school day such as one-way hallways, etc. High school principals are working on plans to guide hallway traffic to reduce the amount of student movement between classes.

Q: If we register for the Virtual Learning Academy on July 20, does that mean we can't change our mind once we get closer to the start of school and hear more about the plans for face-to-face learning? Or will we be able to change our minds and allow our kids to try face-to-face learning?What if we decide to do face-to-face learning and don't feel our kids are safe, can we then opt for the Virtual Learning Academy?

A: If you register your child for the VLA you are committing to a full school year of learning in this model.

Special Education, IEPs, 504s and Gifted

Q: Are you including students with special needs when planning the schedule and safety procedures?

A: Students with special needs will be provided the same learning options as all other students this school year.

Q: How will you collaborate with parents?

A: It depends on the learning model and the comfort level of parents. With that said, collaboration with parents in the education of their students is essential and we will be working directly with families to meet their expectations.

Q: Will you provide assistive technology, access and options for support when technology is limited?

A: Yes, per IEP team decisions.

Q: How will instruction happen, and will it meet federal and state requirements (FAPE, LRE, AAC, general education and intervention specialist collaboration, staffing to support students who are no longer able to be supported in groups)?

A: We are legally required to provide FAPE to students and will continue to do so

Q: How will you consider the needs of individual students with “re-entry” (adjusted schedules, mental health supports, etc.)?

A: We will continue to rely on the decisions of IEP teams.

Q: Will the courses for gifted children in Intermediate school be offered at the Virtual Learning Academy?

A: Yes.

English Learners

Q: Are you planning for efficient screening of new English Learners and any potential English Learners who enroll?

A: We will continue to assess potential English Learners at the time of enrollment.

Q: Are you planning to assess current English proficiency levels for all English Learners?

A: Yes, this is an essential part of being able to meet the individual needs of our students.

Q: Is there collaboration between EL teachers and content area teachers to effectively support English Learners?

A: Absolutely. We are proud of the way our staff collaborates on behalf of students and we are confident that this will continue.

Q: Are you creating a Limited English Proficiency family communication plan?

A: Yes. Our bilingual assistants have been helping us with this.

Grade Promotions, Transitions and Transfers

Q: What changes need to be made to career advising and the transition process based on changes and new college processes?

A: We will be working with our school counselors and I Know I Can to make sure that these needs are addressed.

Q: How will College Credit Plus students be impacted by schedule changes, especially for those students going back and forth between the colleges/universities and high school?

A: We are transitioning as many of these courses as practical to an online format.

Before- and After-School Programs

Q: What times will the building be open?

A: We will continue to partner with external agencies to provide before- and after-school programming. Hours of operation should not change significantly from what we have done in the past.

Enrichment Activities

Q: How will you decide what co- and extracurricular groups will continue to operate and what restrictions will need to be implemented?

A: These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis:

  • Athletics will be determined by Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA).

  • Music will follow Ohio Music Education Association guidance and likely parallel OHSAA guidance for low contact activities.

Q: Will there be procedures for spectators at these events?

A: We are awaiting guidance from OHSAA and the Ohio Capital Conference.

Q: Will you permit field trips?

A: No. Overnight trips will not be permitted until at least November 30, 2020. Day trips will be drastically reduced and only approved based on their relevance to core instruction

Q: Will school clubs be allowed to meet?

A: Clubs will be allowed to meet as determined by the club advisor. Some of these activities may choose to meet virtually.


Q: How will busing be adjusted for fewer riders and social distancing?

A: Students will sit no more than two (2) per seat (unless all are from the same household). Routing is being developed and information will be sent to parents in August.

Q: What are the safe transportation procedures for walkers, parent drop-offs, bike riders, etc.?

A: This will vary by building and will be communicated to parents by principals

Q: Will high school students be allowed to drive to school?

A: Yes.

Q: Will carpooling be permitted?

A: Yes. This is a parent decision.

Q: Are you planning time for buses to be cleaned and sanitized each day?

A: Yes. Each day and between runs throughout the day.

Q: Are you addressing the crowd of students being dropped off by parents or buses waiting to get into the building in the morning for the start of the school day? Leaving to get on the bus as well?

A: Yes, We are planning for staggered drop off times to reduce the number of students entering the building at any given time. All of our drop off and pick up procedures will emphasize social distancing. The time allotted for this processes may increase to accomplish this.

Breakfast and Lunch

Q: How many tables and seats in the cafeteria and/or other locations will be needed to meet social distancing guidelines?

A: This varies by building and by the number of seats available in the cafeteria as well as in classrooms. Other spaces will also be utilized to achieve social distancing

Q: How will tables and desks be arranged?

A: This will also vary by classroom and building, but typically students will be seated on one side of the table facing the same direction

Q: Will there be an alternate lunch rotation schedule?

A: Yes. This will be determined by each building

Q: How will breakfast, lunch, snacks be served?

A: Meals will typically have a “Grab-n-Go” feel to them. Meals will be prepackaged or pre-plated.

  • Students will go through lines as usual, emphasizing social distancing.

  • Pin pads are being replaced by barcode scanners.

Q: What will be the cleaning procedures for the areas where food is eaten by students and/or staff?

A: All areas will be cleaned and sanitized regularly.

Q: Will a complete cleaning occur between sessions?

A: Yes.

Q: Will Students be eating lunch in their classroom or with a larger group?

A: This may vary by grade level. Our goal is to keep students as socially distanced as possible during lunch. This may involve eating in classrooms and/or eating in other areas of the building (such as the cafeteria) and being appropriately distanced from other students.

Information Technology

Q: How will devices be exchanged between staff/students and technology staff?

A: Students who desire a Chromebook, and currently do not have one, will be issued a device at the beginning of the school year

Q: Will there be a student-run help desk?

A: No. Our help desk will be manned by district personnel.

Q: What is the effect on technology if most of your equipment is deployed to students and may not be returned?

A: We have enough devices to provide one to any student who wishes to receive one.

Q: I understand Chromebook laptops are provided. Is it ok if we just purchase our own for our daughter for her HS years instead of being assigned one?

A: Yes. Almost any device that can support a browser will work. We will be sending home information to parents regarding our recommendations.