Foundations of art

Final Essay:

This year in art I have learned a lot about the type of artist I am, what my strengths and weaknesses are, and where I can improve. I have learned about all-new ways to make art, most things in art this year I had never done before. I learned so many new ways to create and express art.

I took a long look through my artwork from this year and I can see where I have improved and where I can improve more, I have noticed the marginal differences in the work that I have put more time and effort into as opposed to those that take less time.

I think I can see improvement in my artwork throughout the year not only in quality and effort but in variety. I learned so many new ways to create artwork this year. making new types of art can be hard, and I think that the linoleum slabs were the hardest project because of the incorporation of negative space. I found that using negative space required a perspective on art that I had not learned yet.

I thought that the wire structures were the best project because although I had trouble figuring out what I wanted to make and how to connect all of my wires I was the proudest of how it turned out because after so much trial and error I finished with a good product that I thought was complete. In the future I want to experiment with new ways to create art, I want to try ceramics, so I signed up for it next year.