Candy Still Life

Artist Statement

I drew four spheres in one of the drawings, I used ink, colored pencil, charcoal and watercolor, one for each sphere. I made the spheres by shading darker on one side and the edge of the sphere, and then gradually getting lighter until one spot is plain white, to show that light is hitting one spot more than the rest, then drawing a shadow on the opposite side of where the light hits the sphere. In the other drawing, I chose candy and glued it to a piece of paper, (whoppers and a twizzler) I then drew the whoppers and the twizzler using the same techniques as the spheres.

My project changed because at first for the water color sphere, I was just going to use one color, but I switched to two colors. My project changed in the other drawing because at first I was using reces instead of whoppers, but I changed to whoppers because reces are really hard to draw.

I think my artwork would be stronger if I had only used one color for the watercolor sphere. My artwork would also be stronger if I had made the shading lines curved so it would look more like a sphere. I think the other drawing would be better if I had given the twizzler a shadow and more noticeable highlight to make it look 3d.