Blind Contour

Artist Statement

The subject of my creation is a piece of abstract art, it started off of the blind contour drawing, where we had to draw a portrait of ourselves, a friend and our hand in a weird position. and I flipped the picture around, and colored it in with colors that are opposites. I used a sharpie for the blind contour drawing, and water color pencils to color in the faces and hand, then I used watercolor paint for the background. I chose to color the way I did because I knew I wanted colors that are opposite on the color wheel because they go well together because of contrast.

I did not use any composition rules or techniques, but I revised my project and decided to add in two more colors, because originally I only planned to have four colors coloring in the faces and hand.

I didn’t add any meaning or story, and it doesn’t relate to my life. I should have made the blind contours bigger, because there is a lot of space with just color and no lines.