Beautiful Oops

This project is beautiful oops, and we were given a piece of paper that had ink blobs on it, and we had to make a drawing out of it

Artist Statement

I used different colored pencils for drawing, and I udes a roll of duct tape as a stencil for my planets. The subject of my creation is an asteroid crashing into a planet, and the setting is in outer space. I chose to create this piece of artwork because I saw something crashing into something else, and then I thought about an asteroid crashing into a planet, I didn’t use any specific elements or principles, and I didn’t arrange/compose my work in a certain way.

I changed my smaller planet because I didn’t have a stencil for a circle the right size, so I had to draw it with no stencil, so it’s not perfectly round.

I didn’t really put any meaning into the artwork, and it doesn’t have a story, or any connection to my life. My artwork could be stronger if I had done a better job coloring, it looks kind of messy and not very good. I would take more time to draw/color next time so it would be more quality artwork