Time Capsules

Cropped self portrait

Paper, Graphite Pencil


Object I depend on

Paper, Graphite Pencil


Hand gesture

Paper, Graphite pencil


The Main idea that guided my artwork was to show a part of my body that I can fit into a small square while still fitting completely, so I chose my left eye and eyebrow.

To make this artwork I used A mirror, a 2H graphite pencil, and my eyes to see what i was drawing though the mirror. And I also used a ruler to measure and correctly draw the phone, and the cropped outline of my eye.

I took some time to think about each piece and what I would draw, for example, for the hand I thought of a random appropriate gesture, so I chose the peace sign, and It took some trial and error to get the fingers looking how I wanted them to. And it was a similar process for the other 2 something simple, yet appropriate for what I was being asked of so It all worked out