2d Design

Final Reflection:

My favorite project for this class was the sustained investigation slide #1. I really enjoyed this one because it was a photo of me doing my favorite thing, skateboarding, and turned it into this cool white graphic. It was kind of like I was a stick figure but still resembled a human, and the blue background and expanding darkening colors surrounding me in the picture made a kind of glowing effect. Some projects I struggled with were the beautiful oops and extended blind contour. I struggled with the idea of creating something on the fly with the blind contour one because my mind doesn't really think like that so I struggled with what I could turn the stuff into and I'm not happy with how it turned out. And I believe that the reason I struggled with the beautiful oops is because I couldn't decide what that black blob should be so I'm not happy with how the final product looks.

In this class, I learned how to export images onto your computer and change the file type. Which has helped out with multiple other classes. I learned how to use photoshop which is a skill that I never knew I would enjoy having.

I improved, by attempting different art styles, which led to me finding my favorite style. Photoshop art, I find it more fun to use technology to create my art than my hands, so as the year went on and we started using photoshop, I started using it preferred more and more. This also shows my growth as an artist by showing my favorite methods and what I spend more time on.

Something I can continue to work on in the future is thinking more creatively to make better art and overall become a better artist. I originally struggled with coming up with ideas on my own without being told to. But I feel that I progressed in that part of art well throughout the year. and I will continue to progress my creativity as my life continues.