Time Capsule Drawings

Stool by Ben Bolduc

Pencil, Eraser, and Ruler


When I made my drawing of this stool my main reason was that I saw the stool in front of me and thought that it would be a good challenge for me to draw. (not too challenging though)

When I made this work I didn't use any special materials. I used a pencil for the most part, then used an eraser to cleanup, and a ruler to make sure the lines were straight.

When making this drawing I didn't go through any sort of big process. I didn't do any research, practice, or revise. But, I did have to experiment with making the curved bar in the middle of the stool.

Corner of Room by Ben Bolduc

Pencil, Ruler, Eraser


When I made my drawing of this particular corner of the art room I thought I would do this corner mainly because of the window over there. I also choose this corner of the room because there was a door, but the door was closed so I felt more comfortable drawing it.

When I drew this side of the room I took it pretty easy and made sure that I drew the bend of the wall nicely and put the window in the correct spot. I did all of this using a pencil and ruler. I finished the drawing by touching it up with my eraser.

When I drew this corner of the room I found the process rather meticulous. I say this because I didn't really plan on having the actual change of direction in the wall being hard to draw. It was, and I had to revise it about 4 times until I settled with one of the options.

Self Portrait by Ben Bolduc

Pencil and Eraser


The main idea that drove my self-portrait was really that I don't want bad grades but also, that I don't really know how to draw a face so I am really just going for it.

My work here was made by me looking in the mirror and trying to be gentle with my pencil lines anticipating that I'd mess up. I used my eraser quite a bit and struggled to find a good distance for my eyes nose and mouth to be apart from each other.

The process I went through was Deciding whether I wanted to draw myself with or without the mask, trying to round my head off the best, spacing my eyes and nose out whilst revising that at least once, Then making my lips a few times and not being the happiest with that part of my portrait. In the future, I should probably practice a portrait before I make one.