
value strip


8.5" x 11"

scratcher on scratch board

The main idea that guided my project here was that my dog seemed like a dog thing to scratchboard. By doing my dog I gave myself a topic I care about and I gave myself an object that is achievable.

While making this work I didn't use many materials, I really only used the primary scratch tool with the red-ish orange-ish handle. I also used the regular-sized scratchboard. The regular size is the same size as printer paper.

While making this project I didn't go through many processes, One thing I did do was shade the entire backside of my photo resource that I was going off of. I did this because it would make it so I could transfer the lines I traced off the photo onto my scratchboard. There wasn't really any improvising, everything had to be planned because you cannot erase marks on scratchboard.