2nd semester

During this project, we were assigned with the task of logging our daily activity using a fitness log. Prior to this, we learned a lot of different concepts to help us figure out how to navigate our fitness plans, and how to stay healthy. We were then given time to get a notebook and fill it with charts, calendars, methods, etc., to log everyday for a month.

To start the project off we all had to choose a S.M.A.R.T goal, for mine i choose to be able to get into shape for football and run under a 4.9 40 yard dash. I then tracked my mood, my workouts, and my daily routine.

When logging all of this i was measuring my heart rate. I knew that my workouts were helping me alot when i saw that i was reaching my goals.

Another part of this semester was logging our cardio each week. Every Tuesday, we ran/walked a various amount of distances from a mile, to 1.5 miles. After each run, we wrote down our time, the distance we ran, our heart rates, and a reflection. Here it is after this semester:

Thomas Seiler - Semester 2: Cardio Run Sheet (LG)

Content/ Concepts:

  • SMART GOAL: A SMART GOAL is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. We used this to set a goal for our 1 month fitness log. We had to achieve this in a set amount of time. Our goal had to be very detailed and it had to show the actions steps we needed to take to get there.

  • OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE: The overload principle is one of the seven big laws of fitness and training. Simply put, it says that you have to increase the intensity, duration, type, or time of a workout progressively in order to see adaptations. The adaptations are improvements in endurance, strength, or muscle size. I used this a lot when working out with weights. This helped me control my intensity and sets.

  • PERIODIZATION: Periodization is the specific planning of training cycles. It is a necessary way to train to accommodate the overload principle. In order to progress and make gains you have to vary workouts to overload the body. But, you also need to accommodate the GAS (general adaptation syndrome) principle, which says high-intensity training needs to be followed by low-intensity training or rest. I used this to take breaks after my high intensity sets.

  • FITT PRINCIPLE: FITT is frequency, intensity, time, and type. The FITT Principle describes how to safely apply the principles of overload and progression. I used this to help my with my mile. I did it once a week at medium to high intensity, trying to get a 7:30 and the type is cardio vascular endurance.

  • HEART RATE (resting HR, Target heart rate or THRR): Resting Heart rate is how hard your heart works at rest. Target Heart Rate Range is the work rate at which you get the most health benefits with a low risk of injury. I used this to measure my intensity of my workouts. It showed me my endurance and how hard I worked.

  • RESISTANCE TRAINING: Resistance Training is working with resistance bands instead of weights. This builds muscle through body weight and is a great way to stretch and recover from injury. IT expands your ROM and improves flexibility. I used this to warm up and improve my flexibility. It prevented me from getting hurt during runs or weight lifting.

  • BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES: Body weight exercises are exercises that use your body weight against you. You don't need anything for these and they are a great way to build muscle. Some examples of this is air squats, push-ups, and planks. You can build almost any muscle group with body weight movements. I used these to build muscles and get stronger.

  • HEALTH COMPONENTS: The five health components are muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio vascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. I took in to account body composition because I was trying to gain weight.


My project overall went really well. I achieved my goal and I feel great. I plan to continue my goal and hopefully get faster. I found it very interesting to see my progress over a month and it made me realize to pay attention to the little things. My communication and creativity were really good in this project. I would like to work on my collaboration and problem solving. Sometimes my friends would try to help me or want to workout with me and I would push them away because I wanted to do it myself