Homeostasis Investigation

Evidence of

For this unit we investigated different aspects of homeostasis. But first, what is homeostasis?

Homeostasis is your body keeping itself in balance. This can be through regulating our temperature, regulating levels of water in our body. This is important for us to survive.

For our project, each group was assigned one aspect of homeostasis. Our group was assigned to investigate glucose levels. Below is our scientific paper we wrote on the subject.

Da BOIs HOMOstatus King Von and Nick And Pcook carry Bstone like a new born child to victory using their Scientific Article Template

We conducted a test to show that when glucose levels rise in your body, your body will produce insulin to counteract the rising blood sugar levels. We couldn't conduct the experiment ourselves since it would involve us pricking our own finger and drawing blood multiple times. Therefore we had to use our research to create our data. Below is our final poster which includes all of the information from our scientific article just in a better format.

Copy of Homeostasis: Zack, Vaughn, Preston, Nick


Here are some of the main concepts we learned about during our project and in our research.

  • Homeostasis: Our bodies way of keeping everything in balance. Without it, our bodies would be unable to respond to change in the environment. Our body does this by sweating to counteract rising temperature around us, removing waste or water when there is too much of it in the body, or producing insulin to balance our blood sugar levels.

  • Glucose: A simple sugar that provides energy to organisms. Glucose is an important concept since it is what we tested in our project. Having balanced glucose levels is important since having too high of blood sugar can be very harmful to the body.

  • Blood Sugar: The amount of sugar in your bloodstream. This can be increased by consuming sugar in foods, in sugary drinks, etc. In our tests, we measured the blood sugar levels of someone that drank soda and we saw an increase in blood sugar levels after they drank the soda.

  • Insulin: A hormone that is released that regulates things like your blood sugar levels in your body. This is important for keeping your blood sugar levels in balance. People who have diabetes can't create their own insulin.


This project went pretty well, I felt like I was a pretty good collaborator and with my group because I helped whenever I could with the project and did my share of the work. One thing that didn't go to plan was doing the experiment ourselves. This was a small issue we overcame using creative thinking. We used research and other data to come up with a realistic data. In the future I will use these problem solving skills in other projects because I felt like we solved our problem very well and ended up with a good final project that supported our original hypothesis. One other thing that could be worked on however was time management. I felt as if on the first day of our project we were all very unfocused and didn't do all of our work efficiently. We got distracted on small things and didn't use our time in the best way possible. I think I can improve upon that by managing my time better in class so I don't have to do extra work at home.