Build a Band

Description of Project

For this project, we created instruments and learned how to create different notes using what we know about wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. Below is our google doc containing everything about our project including how each type of instrument works in general and which notes our instruments play.

Copy of instrument descriptions for website


This project went really well overall. Going into this I wasn't too excited because I am not good at playing an instrument and we did a similar project in 8th grade. After the project I ended up having a great time. This project went a lot better than I expected. The project was more focused on waves, frequency, and getting certain notes out of our instruments. One thing I did well was work in a bigger group in person. For this project we had groups of 4 with each of us doing a different instrument. This was also our first project in person and I think I did really well at helping and doing my own work. One other thing I did well was I helped my team members out when I could. On the document we needed a basic description of how guitars work in general. Since Zade was making a guitar from scratch and I finished my guitar, I decided to do the whole thing so Zade could focus on making his instrument. One thing I could improve on would have to be time management. I always waste time in the beginning of a project and only realize how much I have to do towards the end of a project. Another thing I could work on is being more direct with my teammates. Some of my teammates weren't really doing their part and I didn't say anything about it. In the future I need to tell them to do their work.