Freshman Year

This year I had 7 classes. I have listed each of them with a brief description of each one and a link to the pages.

  • English: We did lots of reading in this class. We read a book with a small group and 2 books together as a class.

  • STEM: We did a bunch of projects in this class. First we started off with a Rube Goldberg Machine and then we made a video about the physics of sports. After that we made a catapult and then an alternative energy vehicle.

  • PE: Our overall project for the year was the fitness log. We kept a log of all of the workouts we did and set a goal that we tried to complete by the end of the semester

  • Geometry: In this class we learned about, geometry. We learned about sine, cosine, and tangent. We learned all about angles and different polygons.

  • Spanish: We learned about how to form basic sentences with basic vocabulary. We learned how to answer simple questions with formulaic response.

  • Health: In this class we learned about mental health, physical health and more.