Physics of *Sports?*

For this project, our group focused on conservation of momentum and analyzing it something that is not considered to be a traditional sport. Our group focused on air hockey since there was an air hockey table in the back of the classroom. One of the main reasons we chose this was the fact that our group thought that air hockey is mostly frictionless since air pushes up on the pucks which gives the pucks a near constant velocity. One other reason we chose this "sport" was the fact that the air hockey table had evenly spaced holes all around the table which would make it easy to record a video and find the average velocities of the pucks at different points. Our initial trial had us hitting two pucks against each other except that one puck was weighted with two pennies taped to the top of it and the other was unweighted. Our second collision was an unweighted puck traveling into a stationary weighted puck. Our third collision was essentially the same as the second trial, but this time, to reduce our margin of error, we placed two meter sticks to control their motion since the air would push the pucks in the "upward" and "downward" direction. 

Copy of Physics of *Sports?* Presentation

2. Content

3. Reflection

Our group was able to solve problems very well on this project since we encountered many problems that we were able to work around. For example, our initial thought that a air hockey table was essentially a frictionless surface was incorrect since the air hockey table we used had one fan blowing air to the whole table which resulted in an uneven distribution of air throughout the table. This became an issue when we saw that the pucks were being pushed by the air in opposite directions to our initial push so to fix this, we put meter sticks on the table to control the motion to the best of our ability. This gave us our most consistent data yet in video 3. I think that the presentation that I made was really well done. I was able to fit all of the necessary information in a clear and concise way without making the slideshow feel overwhelming. I included all of the necessary calculations and graphs to help prove that while momentum is always conserved in a closed system, kinetic energy isn't unless the collision is fully elastic. 

However, collaboration was lacking in this project. I attempted to engage my group in this project but most of the time I found myself doing all of the work for the project. I did most, if not all, of the calculations along with most of the presentation. I feel as if I am partially responsible for this since I wasn't able to slow down and try to explain the concepts to my group members since I think they didn't understand the material at certain points. So in the future, I will have better communication with my group members in order to have better collaboration.