Six C's


An effective communicator is good at listening to others, can support their ideas with evidence, can engage their audience, and are able to bring up and talk about difficult topics.

Example 1: Socratic Seminars. In English, we would have socratic seminars where we would discuss a book and our thoughts on the subjects in the book. Below are my questions I asked in the socratic seminar about a book that we read about a Native American student whose family was poor. The book talked about other touchy subjects that we then went on to bring up and talk about in class.

Nicholas Di Pasqua - Copy of Questions for True Diary Socratic Seminar

Example 2: Rube Goldberg Machine. This was a project in stem that was difficult since we had to complete from our homes and complete one rube goldberg machine. We had to have each of our sections end where the other person's starts. It took lots of good communication to make the machine feel like one whole thing even though we were home.

Rube Goldberg Persentation Group 31

Critical Thinker:

Someone who is effective at thinking critically is good at using evidence to come to a conclusion, is good at looking at data and being able to see if there are biases or if the data is even valid, and being able to solve a problem in different ways.

Example 1: In a stem project we had to make a alternative energy vehicle and had to make this vehicle go 5 meters and then stop. Our group had to keep on redesigning our vehicle and think of different ways to make our vehicle work. We ended up making a vehicle that went across a zipline and was powered by wind.

Alternative Energy Vehicle Presentation

Example 2: For stem we had to write an essay on why cell phones do or do not cause cancer. I ended up coming to the conclusion that cell phones don't cause cancer but I had to look through lots of sources and determine if the source was valid or not.

Nicholas Di Pasqua - Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Part 2


To be a good collaborator you need to be able to work with others, contribute to a team, take responsibility for your jobs as a team member, and take ownership for responsibilities as a team member.

Example 1: In the rube goldberg project we had to collaborate together to get that project done and since we couldn't help on each other's section, each team member had to be responsible for their own section. In this project everyone did and equal portion.

Rube Goldberg Persentation Group 31

Example 2: Solve a world problem project. For this project, I felt like my team collaborated well. We spit up the work evenly, completed our section of the work, and tried our best to put out our best work and I think our final product ended up good since we all worked well together.

Solve a World Problem Slideshow

Conscientious Learner:

To be good conscientious learner you need to be able to set a goal and follow it, manage time effectively, embrace challenge with a growth mindset, and be able to self regulate.

Example 1: In 2020 we had to do school from home and during that, I was able to manage my time well and especially embrace a challenge with a growth mindset. Doing school from home we all had to approach school with a growth mindset since it was all new to us. I don't have a specific picture to include to show that school was difficult from online but it was a challenge indeed.

Example 2: For PE this year we had to complete a log of our exercises and the goals we had. Since we were home, this was our way of doing pe. Below I have included the link to my physical fitness log page, where I talk about how the fitness log went and what I learned from it.

Culturally Competent:

To be culturally competent means that you can understand the views of people worldwide, contribute positively to your community, and to seek and consider multiple perspectives.

Example 1: Volunteer work for boy scouts. In boy scouts we would help our community by collecting food cans to give to a food bank around thanksgiving. This was a good example of how to help the community positively through something like volunteer work.

Example 2: In Stem we would complete surveys about our team members and ourselves. We would have to self evaluate ourselves and say if we were empathetic of our team members. This is like considering multiple perspectives because we had to evaluate if we were being understanding of things that may be happening with our team members. I don't have and image to attach to this since I don't have access to the google form we used to fill out this evaluation.


Someone who has good character has strong values and takes appropriate action, models integrity and honesty, and respects others.

Example 1: During 9th grade, we had school online so we also did test online. Doing a test from home opens the possibility to cheat but I modeled integrity and honesty by not cheating on any tests during online school. It could have been easy, but then I wouldn't learn anything. Cheating would also defeat the purpose of school and make you feel like you didn't earn that A.

Example 2: In our stem self evaluation surveys, we also had to be honest about how good of a team member we were. I modeled honesty by being honest of if I was a good team member or not. I also had to be respectful to my team members in stem. I don't have and image to attach to this since I don't have access to the google form we used to fill out this evaluation.