Step 3: Alternative Concepts 

Here is our evaluation of the alternative concepts document where we drew concepts for potential designs. It displays the progression of our thoughts and ideas throughout the design cycle. 

Copy of BOATSTONE - Capstone Design Step 3: Evaluation of Alternative Concepts


This part of our project has proved to be the most interesting so far as we brainstormed as many concepts as we could and then refined them into design possibilities. We made sure to maintain the core ideas streamlined across our design, being the detachability of each section and the simple nature of the assembly. We also tested different methods of connection from our 3D printed model to see which would be most feasible to assemble in real life. We settled on moving forward with a horizontal pin design instead of the vertical design used in the 3D model. This has helped me see the importance of blueprinting as well as testing multiple designs as it can help create the best product.